These lawyers can appear in court to counsel those who need help, doing paperwork dealing with immigration and doing research and data analysis for immigrants. When Should You Use an Immigration Lawyer? When you are immigrating, you should always speak to an immigration lawyer. Here are other ...
But Harris worries that Pittsburgh isn’t taking full advantage of the opportunity to attract and welcome immigrants. “We need government, business, and nonprofit providers working together to see immigration as a talent strategy, and to build and execute a plan to keep these ne...
former Marine Sergio Manancero, the son of Uruguayan immigrants, openedLa Doña Cerveceríain Minneapolis, with a three-on-three soccer field installed outside. “Soccer represents a more worldly culture than any other sport,” says Manancero, the president and general manager. “There are so...
It is a myth that immigrants take jobs away from others. If anything, they create jobs. The jobs they do most Americans don’t want to do. And, many of them build their own businesses, employing others. The skills that it takes to flee your home country and get to America are similar...
Needless to say, we’re not doing a very good job on the dignity front. We murder one another in the name of law enforcement. Webrutalize the wildlifethat shares the planet with us in the name of “sport.” Wedeport sick young immigrantswho have contracted Covid-19 while in federal de...
With immigration a red hot topic on the political agenda and Bradford already a by-word for failed attempts at integration and community tensions, there are many who will feel uncomfortable about the prospect of more of new immigrants arriving. Sweden, one country which is well known for its...
I am aware of the current debate in the UK whether or not all immigrants, including house wives and senior citizens, should have to learn English. There’s a similar discussion going on in Germany and I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone can possibly say they shouldn’t. ...
We want to solve it but we also want to keep illegal immigrants coming, no matter what we may say to each other in the heat of a political discourse. That’s why I consider the problem of illegal immigration unsolvable, at least in the near future. Sure, some palliatives could be ...
While many are immigrants and refugees, the group also includes many second-generation immigrants as well as native Swedes, including some who are nonbinary or trans. Connecting people of different backgrounds is central to Alvarez’s mission. CNN “You ...
“Lucas Kunce just can't shoot straight,”the narrator in a Hawley spot says, showing a clip of Kunce helping bandage the injured reporter. The narrator goes on to criticize the Democrat over electric vehicles, transgender issues, benefits for “illegal immigrants” and law enforcement...