Helpful Villagers Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4is neatly crafted and designed in a very sophisticated manner. The functionality of this tool is really simple that it adds some Non playing characters similar to the Custom NPCs modification. Those characters are named as the villagers which are helpful in...
This Mod requires the Custom Chores as well as some Custom Chore content packs to work. BirthdayGift - On an NPCs birthday, your spouse will give you a gift that they like or love. FeedTheAnimals - Animals in Barns/Coops will be fed. FeedThePet - Your pet's water bowl will be fill...
helpfulnpc mod下载链接:点击直接下载 helpfulnpc模组介绍 MOD名称:Helpful NPCs 版本:v0.2.1 作者:Caseratis 文件大小:190.9 KB tModLoader版本:v0.11.6.2 helpfulnpc模组功能 有帮助的NPC是一个mod,它添加了四个新的NPC 新增NPC: -矿工(出售金条和宝石。击败EoC后产卵。) -猎人(出售怪物掉落/灵魂/本质相关物品...
This Mod requires theCustom Choresas well as some Custom Chore content packs to work. BirthdayGift- On an NPCs birthday, your spouse will give you a gift that they like or love. FeedTheAnimals- Animals in Barns/Coops will be fed. FeedThePet- Your pet's water bowl will be filled. Mak...