The Tallahassee Aspergers Adult Peer Support Group is intended to be involved in peer-led, participant-directed more-or-less formal support group work for more higher-functioning adults with the autism spectrum disorders (such as Aspergers). It will meet at least monthly, from between around 7...
Clearly, that particular school was unhelpful and probably should have dealt with the incident very differently. Ver Ploeg says a simple hall pass, allowing the child with autism to remove himself from what must have seemed a threatening and confusing situation, could have so...
My DB has aspergers and so I can empathise to an extent. However, I honestly don't know what to say re your DH except that he's being v selfish. Don't feel silly re posting on here, there are plenty of people who will have some great advice. Quote Thanks Add post Share Report ...
Aspergers Wife How to use hypnosis to help husbands and partners enhance their relationship to a woman with Asperger Syndrome Different Political Views Help clients feel more clear-headed when it comes to differences of opinion * Results may vary from person to person. This is why we provide ano...
Bright & Quirky - Help your bright child thrive, even with aspergers, learning disabilities, social, emotional, and/or behavioral challenges.
As an adult, I’m conscious of the fact that some of the things I need help with are atypical. I often ask questions people consider odd. I sometimes fail to see the obvious solution to a problem. I get stuck in one particular way of thinking and can’t see any other way ’round....
My son sounds like yours and he has SPD, not Aspergers. May 27, 2010 Rating I believe your son has aspergers syndrome by: Anonymous I am a mother of three boys and my oldest just got diagnosed with aspergers syndrome. Every single one of your son's symptoms were my son's also, ...
Depression Votes: 31 35.6% Bipolar disorder or other mood disorder Votes: 9 10.3% Autism spectrum disorder (aspergers) Votes: 8 9.2% Personality disorder Votes: 9 10.3% OCD Votes: 17 19.5% Other Votes: 8 9.2% none Votes: 28 32.2% PTSD Votes: 4 4.6% Total voters 87 1...
Autistic writer and artist, Samantha Craft is best known for her prolific writings found in her well-receivedblogandbook, Everyday Aspergers. A former schoolteacher, with a Master’s Degree in Education (special emphasis on adult education and curriculum development), Sam has been published in pe...
She was just diagnosed with aspergers this year. She does this intermittently but has been doing it more often lately.Zeze July 3, 2017 at 4:41 pm - Reply I am Turkish and my husband is Australian and we live in Istanbul. We have a daughter who is going to turn 4 tomorrow. My ...