Arduino gives errors during compilation - attachment. This looks like a library bug, but I've tried everything and can't seem to figure it out. I feel like these errors only happen to me. Even if I don't post the entire code but include the libraries, it still gives me these errors...
I can't find anywhere in the arduino code how to change this. I have tried to add this line to the code of Code:Select all esp32_marauder.ino Code:Select all Serial.begin(115200,SERIAL_8N1,16,17); but I get no results... the serial console only shows me this message: ...
When using FIZZGIG.UF2 everything works great, however, the problem starts when using the MonsterM4sk Arduino code. When I set user_fizzgig.cpp to 1 and user.cpp to 0, no problems occur other than with the fizzgig config.eye file. The problem occurs when I use the fizzgig config.eye ...
Part Number:ADS124S06 Hi, I am currently working on a code to collect data from one ADS124S06 to an Arduino Uno. I have run a problem/question: Is the DRDY pin necessary (ie can it be tied LOW or HIGH) when using the RDATA command to co...
I'm trying to work with the INA219 on ESP-IDF. I'm having a really hard time trying to port any Arduino libraries to ESP-IDF, and the library: ... nts/ina219, which should already be fully ported, just isn't working for me. It shows a...
Need help with fixing my circuit design. GMO Apr 10, 2024 Replies 4 Views 9K Apr 10, 2024 Inquisitive O Question y<=(a and b) xor (not b and c);What's the output of this VHDL code? oslon Mar 30, 2024 Replies 7 Views
Arduino hardware:Hardware of this open-source platform help us to minimize the complexities involved in designing a circuit. Arduino has an In-System Programmer ( ISP ). With the help of the ISP, it will transfer the software that is in the microcontroller without disturbing the circuit. The ...
I am trying to use a pololuTB67H420FTGto drive a 12vmotor with encoderhowever nothing is happening when I run the arduino sketch. I am following atutorialand I am not sure if my problem is in the software or the hardware, so code and pictures are attached. Any help would be amazing...
I am new to this, I was trying to understand live stream code but I am not able to understand some lines of code can someone tell me what they mean?Code: [Select all] [Expand/Collapse]#include "esp_camera.h" #include <WiFi.h>...
is to use pin 0 for the first pin, and have the last number be the pin that you can't use without setting a fuse that makes the chip hard to program. I'd have much rathered be able to number them counterclockwise starting with A0 without breaking unwritten conventions of Arduino code...