I just wanted to post again and thank everyone on this thread. It really helped a lot and on my second night out i successfully did everything, got autogiuide going, and I got 3 hours of cloudy data in my mock run to understand files and auto runs etc. Cheers all! And thanks again...
a呵、为什么又哭了、唯一的解释就是我又开始想你了、很想很想、对不起、对不起、我不该伤害你、我爱你、很爱很爱、 Why also has cried, the only explanation is I starts to think you, have very wanted very much to think, to be unfair to, is unfair to, me should not injure you, I loves ...
Both Icon’s Yashar and Alquist’s Mannheimer are clear that the technology faces hurdles. “People really wanted to get into the 3D world to save money versus traditional builds,” Mannheimer says. “We believe it will in time. Right now, it’s not saving anything dramatic...
I was in the exxon store located on the corner of elizabeth ave and clinton ave in the city of newark,nj at 10:30 pm tonight, and my daughters and I wanted to get a 79 cents drink. Of course, because the area is considered a little much on the weekends I suppose, one of the th...
The song was inspired by the timeless image of workers in the field which we in California see frequently. It was filmed by Dave Doobinin outside Salinas, CA; home of the John Steinbeck Museum. I wanted people to remember that every piece of fruit & every berry they eat was touched by...
Announcements Testers Wanted! Titleist GT1 Driver and GT Hybrids Recently Browsing No registered users viewing this page.Recent Content Home Golf Education and Experiences Lessons, Drills, Mental Game, and Fitness Tips Can't seem to stop my body from going up and flipping. Please help!
I made one to use on the golf greens I built at home. I wanted to match the green speed at home to my course. I'll have to go get it out of my lower garage and send you a picture and measurements. But I used aluminum channel. A 90 degree "L" shape. I'll try to go get ...