//Help to Buy:Equity Loan// Equity Loan是Help to Buy内的其中一个补贴计划(本文所指Help to Buy仅为英格兰地区计划,不含其他地区),这一计划的核心是当申请人购买自住房时,只需要首付房价的5%,政府为其提供数额为自住房售价20%(伦敦为40%)的五年无息贷款,这一贷款就被称为(Equity Loan)。除去这25%(伦敦...
Help to Buy是英国政府在2013年的4月1日提出来,此计划预计在2021年结束申请,此计划其实有分为三种不同的独立计划,有分为Help to Buy ISA, Shared Ownership, Equity Loan,其中Equity Loan还包含了Help to Buy London。所有的Help to Buy计划都是为了帮助英国居民提高买房自住的机会,所以目的是以自住为主,而非...
因此,Help to Buy如果被认为是一个用于改善住房可负担性的援助计划(在政府对这类计划,即Affordable Homeownership Schemes中,确实包含了Help to Buy),Help to Buy大体只能锦上添花,难以雪中送炭。 除此之外,Help to Buy可能还会导致房价出现不必要的上涨,这是因为它提供了容易的购房贷款申请渠道,从而进一步增加了...
Equity Loan是Help to Buy内的其中一个补贴计划(本文所指Help to Buy仅为英格兰地区计划,不含其他地区),这一计划的核心是当申请人购买自住房时,只需要首付房价的5%,政府为其提供数额为自住房售价20%(伦敦为40%)的五年无息贷款,这一贷款就被称为(Equity Loan)。除去这25%(伦敦为45%)的部分之后,房价剩下的75...
The Help to Buy: Equity Loan scheme is designed to help first-time buyers to purchase affordable new build homes in Greater London, subject to eligibility, terms and conditions. Find out how the scheme can benefit you with WhatHouse?
因此,如果要对Help to Buy做一个评价,我们认为: 在提高住房拥有率(即原本目标)上也许有所帮助,但在解决住房危机上几无建树。 参考来源 MHCLG (2020) Help to Buy (Equity Loan scheme) Data to 31 December 2019, England City Monitor (2016) UK home ownership rates are at their lowest for 30 years...
→什么是Help-To-Buy Scheme? 为了提高英国居民买房的计划,2013年4月,英国政府首次提出Help To Buy政策。市民在购买房产时,可分别向政府申请Help to buy 政策获取Help To Buy ISA ,Shared Ownership,Equity Loan购房补助。 本来,该计划于2021年结束了。
简单的理解,Help to Buy 是英格兰政府给首次购房者提供的借贷机会,买家可向政府借到一笔资金来购买新建房产,借贷数额在5%到20%之间(伦敦为40%)。2021年4月1日,政府最新推出的Help to Buy计划正式启动,将持续到2023年3月。之前的Help to buy: Equity Loan Scheme已于2021年3月结束了,不过,新计划与老计划的运...
The Help to Buy equity loan scheme helped over 375,000 home buyers on to the property ladder before it ended in March 2023. The scheme was designed to help first-time buyers with a smaller deposit improve their chances of securing a mortgage, but there were drawbacks of buying a home this...
The article reports on the set of products launched by savings and loan association Leeds Building Society for the Help to Buy shared equity scheme of the government in Great Britain. It is inferred that a 2.99 per cent two-year fixed rate is offered by the society to 75 per cent loan ...