The agencies said 13 mobile emergency teams, known as the Integrated Rapid Response Mechanism (IRRM), have been deployed to areas of Unity State where more than 100,000 people are living in two famine-affected counties, a month since famine was declared in parts of South Sudan. "Through thes...
The UN agency said the 20-million-dollar allocation will build on and complement earlier funding allocations, including the 16 million dollars released from the Central Emergency Response Fund in September 2023 for famine prevention and the 17 million dollars allocated from the SSHF the same year f...
Sudan is in the grips of a "catastrophic situation" and on the brink of a man-made famine, UN relief advocate Edem Wosornu told the Security Council last month. "There are reports of mass graves, gang rapes, shockingly indiscriminate attacks in densely populated areas and...
Mimica said, “Last year, the Global Network against Food crisis allowed us to take concrete and concerted steps to mitigate food crisis and avert famine in northern Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia and Yemen. And we need to scale this up.” “Our contribution of €70 million to the FAO will...
But if the U.N. agencies' own predictions are correct, that more than 300,000 people will be living under famine conditions by December in Somalia, this time could be far worse. "The affected population is twice the size of 2011," Elder said Tuesday. "Things are bad and every s...
THE famine in the African state of Niger is nothing short of criminal, says one of the leaders of the Make Poverty History campaign. Scots entrepreneur Sir Tom Hunter, who threw his heart and fortune behind the fight, is furious that the looming crisis in Niger was not brought to pub...
"Effective and transparent land administration is a vital element for food security, poverty reduction and sustainable use of natural resources and is becoming increasingly important in many parts of the developing world," said Paavo Väyrynen, Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development. ...
South Sudan experienced famine conditions in early 2017 before humanitarian agencies embarked on massive efforts to help millions in need. UN agencies warn that hunger remains in some parts of the country due to intermittent fighting between government troops and rebels despite the signing of a fresh...
It said the dangerous confluence of climate and conflict in the region is worsening an already dire humanitarian situation. The UNHCR said while famine has so far been averted in Somalia, mostly due to a stepped-up humanitarian response, people continue to battle life-threatening food and water ...
Some 6.2 million people are in need of humanitarian aid inside Somalia, adding that the ongoing drought also increases risk of famine-induced displacement in the region. According to the UNHCR, since November 2016, more than 683,000 people in Somalia have been internally displaced by drought, in...