CmpunkSorry, but the data in the file you attached is not resembling the date I had based my queries on. The first table is OK but the second one doesn't have the columns needed to achieve what you described earlier. Furthermore, you wrote that it worked for most but not all. Your ...
=IF(OR(N2="", O2=""), "", IF(N2=O2, "100%", TEXT(N2/O2, "0%"))) Copy the formula above. Paste it into cell P2. Ensure that your N2 (read pages) and O2 (total pages) cells have numeric values or are left empty. In P2: =IF(OR(N2:O2=""), "", N2/O2) Format ...
IBM’S DIGITAL INFLUENCE PROGRAM Asha Kaul and Varun Thappa wrote this case solely to provide material for class discussion. The authors do not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The authors may have disguised certain names and other identifying ...
Teams willautomatically detect inactive channelsyou haven’t interacted with over the past 45 days, and automatically hide them for you. You have the option to review the list of channels and keep showing some or all of them, or opt out of automatic clean-...
Hello, I am trying to create an order form in Excel with 5 columns. First 2 columns are generic Item No. and Quantity. My 3rd Col. has Vendor information...
It sounds like you create a standalone channel, without having to create a team for the collaboration. However, when I go through the steps in the New Teams and choose "create a channel" the next step is to add the channel to a team (exi...
I am trying to create a Colored Matrix to show errors in my data. I want to be able to see all of the cells that are blank in one column only if there is a...
IF(C3:AM3<18,COLUMN(C3:AM3)))>=4,MAX(INDEX($C$1:$AM$1, SMALL(IF((C3:AM3>=18)*(D3:AN3>=18)*(E3:AO3>=18)*(F3:AP3>=18), COLUMN($A$1:$AK$1)),1)),B3), "N/A") Hi Brian. You are welcome. The SMALL part of the formula would extend like in above ...
=IF(OR(N2="", O2=""), "", IF(N2=O2, "100%", TEXT(N2/O2, "0%"))) Copy the formula above. Paste it into cell P2. Ensure that your N2 (read pages) and O2 (total pages) cells have numeric values or are left empty....