Acupuncture, or traditional Chinese medicine, dates back 3,000 years. In auricular point acupressure (APA), tiny seeds — yes, real plant seeds — are taped to particular places on the outside of the ear believed to correspond to nerves in the lower back. The seeds remain affixed to the ...
Treating Lower back pain with Acupuncture Back pain is a common complaint of pregnant women. An estimated 50% of pregnant women experience low-back pain during or after pregnancy. Taking over the counter medicine is not advised while carrying a child; therefore, alternative forms of treatment such...
They randomised 241 adults with non-specific back pain of 4-52 weeks' duration to 10 individualised treatments with traditional acupunctureBmjdoi:
A recent study finds that acupressure, a traditional Chinese medicine technique, can improve chronic pain symptoms in the lower back. "Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but instead of needles, pressure is applied with a finger, thumb or device to specific points on the body," says Susan M...
Find out how acupuncture can help get rid of chronic foot pain caused by problems like plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammertoes, and heel pain
→ Relieve Headache: Migraine, Headache at the Back of the Head, Headache at the Front of the Head, and many more → Relieve Allergy: Pollen Allergy, Cough Allergy, Allergy with Rash, and many more → Relieve Back Pain: in Neck Area, in Chest Area, Lower Back Pain, and many more ...
Trigger point injection is used to treat muscle pain in the arms, legs, lower back, and neck. In addition, this approach has been used to treat fibromyalgia, tension headaches, and myofascial pain syndrome (chronic pain involving tissue that surrounds muscle) that does not respond to other tre...
Advanced nondrug treatments may improve your function and quality of life while relieving your pain. Many people can manage chronic pain with various therapies, including: Neurostimulation. Nerve blocks. Physical therapy. Alternative medicine, such as acupuncture, massage and meditation. Surgery. Is...
There are also acupuncture schools that may provide discounted or lower cost for acupuncture treatments, so seek the ones nearest to your area. Acupuncture Benefits on Sex Acupuncture is Multiple-Goal Alternative Therapy that can be used for a variety of medical problems. This includes sexual health...
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in biology and minors in chemistry and philosophy. He graduated from Creighton University School of Medicine with a Doctor of Medicine. Dr. Motl has studied Medical Acupuncture at the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and at U.C....