Inflamed bronchial tubes lead to narrowed airways, making it more difficult for air to pass freely. As airflow becomes restricted, vibrations in the throat tissues intensify, producing louder snoring sounds. 3. Increased Throat Irritation Frequent coughing and throat irritation caused by bronchitis can...
Your trusted source for stop snoring tips and the industry's most trusted source for unbiased reviews of the best anti-snoring devices on the market today!
When you look for a way to stop snoring or stop your partner from snoring, you need to know how it will change the way you sleep. Unfortunately, the most popular products on the market for anti-snoring aids typically require you to buy something you wear to bed, either wrapping your hea...
I have come to realize that particularly for guys, opening up to fellow friends or a female partner is a daunting situation. Particularly in the case of a female partner, whether a girlfriend or wife, I think it’s necessary that two people are able to speak keenly ...
And nasal congestion is often one of the causes of snoring. There is also swelling in the mucous membranes in the throat because of smoking. So if you're a smoker or bed partner of a smoker who snores...and are looking for ways to cope with snoring... ...
Anyone who’s shared a room with a snorer knows how disrupting snoring can be. Likewise, if you’ve awakened sleepy or sluggish after what you thought was a full night’s sleep, you may suspect that snoring is to blame. There are plenty of reasons you or your partner may be snoring, ...
If your partner snores, you probably feel exhausted and frustrated. Snoring sometimes has a bigger impact on the partner than on the snorer, and waking up frequently every night can be terrible for your health. You don’t have to be stuck getting poor sleep, though. There are lots of stra...
Proven to work, it has been giving partners a good night sleep and improved the breathing of habitual snorers for a long time Snoring can be the reason behind so many arguments. It has even been known to cause partners to split. Everyone needs a good night's sleep, and being deprived of...
For dealing with a snoring partner you have to be very enduring. You just cannot lose your temper and start venting out on your partner. Just keep remembering the vows you took at the time of wedding “to support each other in better and worse”. This will give you the strength to stay...
These natural sleep aids can help keep snoring at bay and eliminate the dependency on over-the-counter medications or expensive OSA gear. They can put your snores to sleep for you and your bed partner’s sake. Sources: Alencar AM, Drager LF, Genta PR et al. Effects of oroph...