Free help on taxes available for seniors
Caregiving-related tax deductions can lower your taxes and maximize your refund. If you’re caring for an older adult, tax-savvy family caregiverShannon Listmanshares 7 smart tax tips for caregivers help you find as many deductions as possible. Tax time is probably making you wonder if there ...
Volunteers Help Make Taxes Easier for Seniors
Our best medical alert system for complete protection. The MobileHelp Duo has GPS tracking and a fall detection option that makes it the best medical alert system for seniors. The Duo provides protection at home and on-the-go without the need of a landli
For seniors who have not obtained either the test score or the completion of nine dual enrollment credits, they can make plans to meet requirements during the fall semester and attend the second scholarship event offered at Bryan in February of the spring semester. Personally, I am not aware...
Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) provides low-income older adults with coupon booklets that can be used at local farmers’ markets and food stands. Jobs The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) pays anyone over 55 years of age minimum wage to work at government ...
For seniors who primarily need companionship and basic help around the house, a personal care worker—who may have minimal training—may be the right fit. If you need a worker who can perform some clinical tasks such as wound care, however, look for a home health aide who has more ...
David A. Price of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond interviews Alan Auerbach “On the federal debt, the Social Security trust fund, and how Uncle Sam discourages seniors from working” (Econ Focus, First/Second Quarter 2025). Here are a few of the points that caught my eye. The US...
Volunteer Taxes His Brain to Help Seniors
Offers: Free non-emergency medical transport for Medicaid members Kanawha Valley Regional Transportation Authority Covers: Kanawha County Offers: Half fares for seniors 65+, free rides for children under 40 inches tall that are riding with an adult, and unlimited ride passes Little Kanawha Transit...