The next step involves consulting with a primary care physician or orthopedic specialist. During this appointment, the physician will conduct a physical examination, review medical history, and possibly order diagnostic tests such as X-rays or MRI scans to assess the extent of hip damage. Referral ...
Learn How To Communicate Effectively With a PhysicianPrimary care physicians (PCPs) may have anywhere from 8 to 15 minutes per patient. Their time is limited, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care. You need to know what’s relevant and what kind of information is valuable. When they te...
You will also need to decide what type of doctor you are looking for. Most plans require you to choose a primary care doctor (a doctor who will manage your overall care and refer you to specialists when needed). In addition, if you have a chronic or disabling condition, you will likely...
Finding the Help You or Your Loved One Needs for Alcoholism If you or a loved one struggles with alcohol addiction, help is available. The most important step to recovering from alcohol addiction is seeking treatment. The caring team members at The Recovery Village understand how difficult it ...
The National Academy of Medicine says having a primary care doc is key. A physician expert in telehealth explains technology's role in fulfilling this need.
They work with a team of health care professionals and may also specialize in a certain area of medicine, such as psychiatry. Since they provide direct care to patients who may be in pain, it’s important to have good communication and people skills. Learn more about physician assistants....
If you have claustrophobia, you can ask your primary care physician for medication. This helps make the experience less intimidating. Our guide to MRI claustrophobia also shares proven methods to alleviate it, and Ezra’s approach to helping you deal with with it. At ezra, our full-body scans...
physician's grief supportphysician's compassion after suicide lossSeveral previous studies suggested that primary care physicians can provide important bereavement assistance to survivors of suicide, yet no study has investigated whether suicide-bereaved patients perceive their physicians as helpful. Contacting...
Select “Save” to complete the new physician addition. Adding a New Facility Admin/New/Facility, Admin/Lists/Facility/New FacilityorCreate/Facility A new window will open. Enter the Name, City, State & Zip along with the Primary Phone. The more information entered the better. When finished,...
I had resisted the role of patient in part because my early diagnosis was encouraging. When my primary care physician called me with the results of the CT scan that first revealed the pancreatic tumor, he began the conversation with “This is great news!” ...