.Replace What:=Character, Replacement:=Chr(32), LookAt:=xlPart Next End With End With End Sub This should only be looking at column AB and it does find and replace on the whole worksheets used range! @brianrichard1120 Does this work better? SubCleanAC()DimLastRowPYAAsLongDimCharacterArray...
We picked out the large helminths. Then, for the smaller bird hosts, we made a scrape and viewed it after pressure between two glasses. In birds from the size of a black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) onwards, we picked out the contents of the gut by holding the gut with one forceps...
I have given suck, and know How tender 'tis to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums, 505 And dash'd the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. MACBETH: If we should fail?
!Dow=Outside diameter of the tube !lw= Axial length of tube !hw=Wall thickness of the tube !lc= Axial length of coil !hc=thickness of the coil !dw=Skin depth in tube !dc=Skin depth in coil !rowp=Resistivity of tube !rocoil=Resistivity of coil !landa=Filling factor of coil !mo=...
[68]. This stems out from the predictable behaviour of liquids at the microscale where flow is typically laminar. At microscale, minute amounts of liquids can be manipulated using microstructures, such as microvalves, micromixers or micropumps [69]. Low volumes of reagents, fast reaction times...
[68]. This stems out from the predictable behaviour of liquids at the microscale where flow is typically laminar. At microscale, minute amounts of liquids can be manipulated using microstructures, such as microvalves, micromixers or micropumps [69]. Low volumes of reagents, fast reaction times...
@brianrichard1120 Does this work better? SubCleanAC()DimLastRowPYAAsLongDimCharacterArrayAsVariantDimCharacterAsVariantCharacterArray=Array(Chr(58),Chr(92),Chr(47),"~?","~*",Chr(91),Chr(93))Application.ScreenUpdating=FalseWithWorksheets("Invoices")LastRowPYA=.Cells(.Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp...
My code has worked for a few months and all of the sudden stopped working. My macro now does find and replace for the whole used range for my data. Here
.Replace What:=Character, Replacement:=Chr(32), LookAt:=xlPart Next End With End With End Sub This should only be looking at column AB and it does find and replace on the whole worksheets used range! @brianrichard1120 Does this work better?