If you're in the market for pet insurance, then start by getting afree price quote. How your vet can help cut pet insurance costs Many people are familiar with the above-mentioned ways to secure a low insurance rate. When it comes to pet insurance, however, owners have a unique resource...
Sure to Help: Pet Health Insurance Relieves Concerns about Extraordinary Veterinary CostsKerns, Nancy
If you like and trust your veterinarian, you should consult them before choosing your pet insurance company. After all, your vet isn't just experienced with your particular dog or cat. They're also well-versed in a wide variety ofdogandcat breeds. Accordingly, they can more accurately predic...
What is my insurance welcome gift? What type of insurance policies does Tractive sell? How can I contact an Insurance Agent? When getting a quote, what breed should I choose for my dog or cat? My pet is a rescue, and I don’t have details of their age or breed, what should I do...
As a new pet owner, many of these factors are out of your control. But there are a few things you can do to score a lower premium. LOOK AT THE FINE PRINT. Consider choosing a higher deductible and lower reimbursement level. CHECK FOR DISCOUNTS. Some companies offer discounts for insuring...
Martin Muelstaetter – Choosing the Proper Bit for your Horse May 24, 2022 Horse Training Videos, Training Barn 173 NRHA Professional Martin Muelstaetter shares his insights about how he chooses which bit to use on which horse. Read More » Share tweet Dan Huss – Preparing Non Pros...
Pet owners are increasingly turning to technology for various pet care purposes such as feeding, health monitoring and activity and movement tracking. Much of this technology operates via devices and apps connected to the ...
If you don’t have a high-deductible health insurance plan, you can still pay for medical expenses with tax-free dollars if your employer offers flexible spending accounts. FSAs are funded with payroll deductions, which can be used to pay for expenses ranging from insurance co-pays to denta...
It begins with what we all learned at a young age: “Ask (the dog’s handler’s) permission before you pet a dog you don’t know.” Great advice, but if the needle is now moving in the wrong direction, might we be missing something? Although it is right to ask the dog’s owner...
These plans are offered by multiple private insurance companies, and each plan has different levels of coverage. Furthermore, different carriers may have different monthly premium rates for the same plan. It’s vital that you shop around to compare Medicare plans so that you’re getting the ...