Rayleigh-Taylor (KH/RT) instability in a system of the magnetosphere-ionosphere (M-I) coupling, which is valid in the long-wavelength limit of Lky ≪ 2, where ky is the azimuthal wave number and L stands for the scale length of a latitudinal profile in azimuthal velocity or energy ...
如果T-S波线性增长到达一定幅值的时候,那么会诱发secondary instability。而这个玩意的控制方程是可以通过Fl...
8LezziAM,ProsperettiA.RayleighTaylorinstabilityfor adiabaticallystratifiedfluids. P^sFluidsA,19891(11): 1784—1795 9LandauLD.FluidMechanics.Oxford:Pergamon.1959 10ChandrasekharS.HydrodynamicandHydroMagneticSta- bility,Clarendon,Oxford,England,1961.435
The cylindrical interface is subjected to two instability mechanisms, namely Rayleigh–Taylor (R–T) and Kelvin–Helmholtz (K–H) instabilities. The combined action of R–T and K–H in the presence of surface tension is investigated for a hollow jet in an unbounded liquid medium and reported....
Being related to turbulence and transition phenomena, it also describes the onset of ocean wave formation, jetting instabilities, and cloud formation. In microfluidics, it is commonly seen in fluid–fluid interfaces. It is not to be confused with Rayleigh–Taylor or Rayleigh instability ( Rayleigh-...
expect a range of wavelengths to visibly appear as the instability passes through the linear stage. In practice, however, we find that the fastest growing mode fairly clearly (at least visually) dominates the linear and early nonlinear evolution of the instability such that one does not need to...
The nonlinear evolution of two fluid interfacial structures like bubbles and spikes arising due to the combined action of Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability or due to that of Richtmyer-Meshkov and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability resulting from oblique shock is investigated. Using Layzer's ...
Numerical studies of surface-tension effects in nonlinear Kelvin–Helmholtz and Rayleigh–Taylor instability We consider the behaviour of an interface between two immiscible inviscid incompressible fluids of different density moving under the action of gravity, in... D. I. Pullin - 《Journal of Fluid...
And it allows us to ignore the complexity of a phenomenon known as Rayleigh-Taylor instability, when the complexity of the Kelvin-Helmholtz variety is already quite sufficient! So we will choose to assume static stability in all circumstances here. Along the same lines we will sometimes assume ...