Helm 的 Repo 仓库和 Docker Registry 比较类似,Chart 库可以用来存储和共享打包 Chart 的位置,我们在安装了 Helm 后,默认的仓库地址是 google 的一个地址,这对于我们不能上网的同学就比较苦恼了,没办法访问到官方提供的 Chart 仓库,可以用helm repo list来查看当前的仓库配置: [root@k8s-master helm]# helm re...
helminstall<name> <chart># Install the chart with a namehelminstall<name> <chart> --namespace <namespace># Install the chart in a specific namespacehelminstall<name> <chart> --setkey1=val1,key2=val2# Set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas)...
Helm 的 Repo 仓库和 Docker Registry 比较类似,Chart 库可以用来存储和共享打包 Chart 的位置,我们在安装了 Helm 后,默认的仓库地址是 google 的一个地址,这对于我们不能上网的同学就比较苦恼了,没办法访问到官方提供的 Chart 仓库,可以用helm repo list来查看当前的仓库配置: [root@k8s-master helm]# helm re...
Helm 和 Tiller 都会使用 Chart 的名称 + 版本来唯一标识一个 package,所以 Chart.yaml 里面的版本一定要对应 package 的文件名。 appVersion appVersion 其实并没啥用,只是指定了 Chart 包含的应用的版本,对 helm 和 tiller 来说并不会有啥影响,也不需要和 Chart 的 version 一致。自己随便写都可以…… Depre...
CHART NAME: mysql CHART VERSION: 9.2.1 APP VERSION: 8.0.29 ** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed ** Tip: Watch the deployment status using the command: kubectl get pods -w --namespace dev Services: echo Primary: mysql.dev.svc.cluster.local:3306 ...
The import helm_chart command is used to import an application Helm chart package. Format import helm_chart ip=? user=? password=? path=? [ port=? ] [ protocol=? ] Parameters Parameter Description Value ip=? IP address of the FTP or SFTP server. - user=? User name for loggin...
11.1 helm list --deleted 我们还可以通过--deleted参数来显示被删除掉 release: $ helm list --deleted NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE mewing-squid 1 Tue Sep 4 23:31:23 2018 DELETED mysql-0.10.1 5.7.14 default $ helm list --all NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP...
command] Available Commands: completion generate autocompletion scripts for the specified shell create create a new chart with the given name dependency manage a chart's dependencies env helm client environment information get download extended information of a named release help Help about any command ...
Required when command == install || command == upgrade. Chart Type. Default: Name. chartName: # string. Required when chartType == Name. Chart Name. #chartPath: # string. Required when chartType == FilePath || command == package. Chart Path. #chartVersion: # string. Alias: ...
By default, Temporal Helm Chart installs all dependencies, out of the box. To install Temporal with all of its dependencies run this command: helm install --repo https://go.temporal.io/helm-charts temporaltest temporal --timeout 900s To use your own instance of Elasticsearch, MySQL, ...