Alucard is the main protagonist of the dark fantasy manga/anime series Hellsing. He is an incredibly powerful vampire and is utterly devoted to his master Integra Hellsing, serving as the Hellsing Organization's trump card. The assumed identity of Count Dracula, who in his past life was Vl...
Alucard[] (Cue Hellsing - Alucard's Theme) Wiz: Alucard was once known as Vlad III Dracula, the son of Vlad II Dracul. Born in 1431, he later became known as Vlad Ţepeş or the infamous "Vlad the Impaler" and as "the Impaling Warlord" by the Turks, gaining a fearsome reputati...
Alucard is no mere vampire; it has been implied that he is the most powerful vampire alive. 12345678910 Buy Items Alucard Glasses Red Trench Coat Red Wide Brimmed Hat Alucard Guns Red Western Tie Alucard Gloves White Formal Dress Shirt Gray Suit and Pants Black Knee High Boots Vampire Teeth V...
He was described as awfully short for a soldier, standing in at around 160cm and was said to have looked in his mid-twenties.[13] He was dressed impeccably in all-white attire, wearing an expensive shirt with a white tie and black gem under a matching double-breasted suit and overcoat,...