Hello!"While everyone around the world does not say “hello”when they answer the phone, many greetings are similar.The French say, “Allo," Germans say, “Hallo," and Indonesians say, "Halo." _4_ In Italy, people say "Pronto" or“ready”when they answer the phone. In Tamil, a ...
Hello World Hello world in every computer language. As I watch the collection expand, this project has blown up more than I ever thought possible. Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute; new languages are created every day! Make sure to see contributing.md for instructions on contributin...
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-- Hello World in Assembler for the Intel 8051 (MSC51) Org 0 mov dptr,#msg mov R0,#30h loop: clr a movc a,@a+dptr jz end mov @R0,a inc R0 inc dptr sjmp loop end: jmp $ msg: db 'Hello World",0Assembler-ARM 返回到索引; Hello World in ARM code assembler, with RISC OS so...
How To Say Please, Thank You, Hello And Goodbye in Every Country Want to be prepared for a conversation, no matter what country you are traveling in? Below are the basic phrases from every country in the world and the official language(s) they speak. Some countries have multiple official ...
Puthandu 2025 The Tamil New Year is praised on the main day of the Hindu Solar Calendar. Prominently known as Puthandu, the Tamil New Year is praised with feasts in Hindu homes and the passageways to the houses are Family Holidays Culture 13 Apr 2025 13 Apr 2025 Plan Now Amritsar...
to The World SIGN UP & JOIN THE REVOLUTION The power ofIndia's#1 EnglishLearning App, now for youremployees! HELLO ENGLISH FOR BUSINESSES LearnEnglishfor free with more than40,000,000learners Sign Up Live English Courses for Kids Expert curated Live Personalized Courses for Kids on Creative Wri...
Hello!"While everyone around the world does not say "hello" when they answer the phone, many greetings are similar.The French say, "Allo," Germans say, "Hallo," and Indonesians say,"Halo."4 In Italy, people say "Pronto" or"ready" when they answer the phone. In Tamil, a language ...
Few countries in the world are as linguistically diverse as India. Dig into some of India’s most-spoken languages with theLonely Planet India Phrasebook. Includes ssamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Marwari (Rajasthani), Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Tel...
Rameshwaram is a beautiful island in Tamil Nadu. It is separated from Sri Lanka by a small Pamban channel. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Ram created a bridge across the sea to Sri Lanka here. The Panchmukhi Hanuman Temple holds the floating stone used to build the bridge between India ...