$ whoami [*] Process './bone' stopped with exit code -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 3931) [*] Got EOF while sending in interactive 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 虽然是获得了$,但是执行命令没有返回,貌似这个例子不完美。 后面再深入学吧,总算是完成了hello world。 1...
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbE\x11 [*] Got EOFwhilereadingininteractive $whoami [*] Process'./bone'stopped withexitcode -11 (SIGSEGV) (pid 3931) [*] Got EOFwhilesendingininteractive 虽然是获得了$,但是执行命令没有返回,貌似这个例子不完美。 后面再深入学吧,总算是完成了hello world。
Hello world in every computer language. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this, make sure to see contributing.md for contribution instructions! github.com/leachim6/hello-world/wikis Topics hello-world hacktoberfest esolangs example-code Resources Readme License MIT license Code of conduc...
If you are looking for the Hacktoberfest contribution here is another awesome repo: https://github.com/blackbird71SR/Code-PortfoliosHello-WorldHello World in all possible programming languagesAimThis repository should eventually contain the famous "Hello World" program in all the programming languages...
~x is constant-value function (denoted with % in Interactive FP). emit is a function which writes its argument to stdout. main is a function which is the first to be invoked when the program is executed. main = emit.(return ~"Hello, World!\n") ...
Hello World 应该是每一位程序员的启蒙程序,出自于 Brian Kernighan 和 Dennis Ritchie 的一代经典著作 The C Programming Language。 代码语言:javascript 复制 代码语言:javascript 复制 // hello.c#include <stdio.h>int main() { printf("hello, world\n"); return 0;} ...
Hello World 应该是每一位程序员的启蒙程序,出自于 Brian Kernighan 和 Dennis Ritchie 的一代经典著作 The C Programming Language。 这段代码我想大家应该都太熟悉了,熟悉到可以默写出来。虽然是非常简单的代码,但是如果细究起来,里面却隐含着很多细节:
Hello World 应该是每一位程序员的启蒙程序,出自于 Brian Kernighan 和 Dennis Ritchie 的一代经典著作 The C Programming Language。 // hello.c#include<stdio.h>intmain{printf("hello, worldn");return0;} 这段代码我想大家应该都太熟悉了,熟悉到可以默写出来。虽然是非常简单的代码,但是如果细究起来,里面却...
20、solon:一款 Java 轻量级应用开发框架。可用来快速开发 Java Web 项目,主框架仅 0.1 MB。类似 Python Flask 的微型框架,提倡按需组合插件。 @ControllerpublicclassApp{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Solon.start(App.class,args,app->{//手写模式app.get("/hello1",ctx->ctx.output("Hello world!")...
Hello World 应该是每一位程序员的启蒙程序,出自于 Brian Kernighan 和 Dennis Ritchie 的一代经典著作 The C Programming Language。 // hello.c #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("hello, world\n"); return 0; } 1. 2. 3. 4.