这本书的英文名是《Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners》,比起中文名《与孩子一起学编程》来,区别在于这本书不仅仅适合于训练孩子对编程的兴趣,对于任何对编程有兴趣的人,都是不可多得的一本编程入门书。Amazon评分四星半,今年Jolt图书生产... (展开) 25 2 0回应 carmen~ 201...
Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 Warren Sande 毕业于加拿大里贾那大学电气工程系。一直在面向计算机初学者教授软件基础课程,编写过大量广受欢迎的技术文档。 Carter Sande Warren之子,一个聪明、热情、好奇心强、喜欢思考问题的小男孩,热爱计算机,...
Hello World!_ Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners, 3rd Edition 格式:PDF 页数:436 上传日期:2019-12-28 11:55:32 浏览次数:150 下载积分:4000 加入阅读清单 0% 还剩435 页未读,是否继续阅读? 此文档由 pulurena 分享于 2019-12-28...
No, Carter, computers are very agreeable—they never argue. In programming, the termargumentmeans a piece of information you give to a function. We say that youpassthe argument to the function. Imagine that you wanted to be able to use the address-printing function for any member of your ...
零起点学习编程的最佳书籍 今天偶然在Guido,也就是python的发明人,的博客上看到介绍这本书。是彩色的,很多图片,例子是一些游戏。没有任何要求,唯一的就是对编程的兴趣。
Hello World. Computer Programming for Beginner and kidsSoediono, Budi
Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners.Warren Sande.Manning.2009.pdf ---...
First Edition Second Edition Third Edition Welcome to the home page for our book:Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners. Here you can find out more about the authors,download the installer that you need to use with the book, or contact us if you’re having trouble!
The “Hello World” program has its roots in the early days of computer programming. Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners Build or host a website, launch a server, or store your data and more with our most popular products for less. The Sandbox is an enhanced testing service ...
Hello World!makes computer programming accessible and fun for kids, which is essential in today's hi-tech world. It can be used at home or in a classroom setting. about the authors Warren Sandeis an Electronic Systems Engineer who uses Python (and other languages) in his work, and also ...