17 UDP <-> [proto: 5.119/DNS.Facebook][IP: 0/Unknown][ClearText][Confidence: DPI][FPC: 5.119/DNS.Facebook, Confidence: DPI][DPI packets: 2][cat: Network/14][1 pkts/85 bytes <-> 1 pkts/144 bytes][Goodput ratio: 48/69][0.05 sec][Hostname/SNI:...
hello world.md hello world.txt hello-world pull request hello.c hello.md hello.txt helloFromVincentGe.py helloGit helloTeacherLiao.txt helloToXueFeng.txt hello_I_am_staven.rb hello_git.txt hello_world.txt helloexp.txt hellogit.txt hellohzr helloman123.txt hellomyy hellotestworld he...
1365. pentarchy- world government1366. pantoglot- speaker of all languages1367 raith- quarter of a year1368 ratomorphism- belief that all human sapience translates to animals some if not all1369.rectalgia- pain in the ***1370.recumbentibus- a sockdolager a knockout blow1371 rememble- a ...
周日,作为世界最大社交网络服务的Facebook,已经在欧洲跟随Netflix、Alphabet旗下的YouTube、亚马逊和迪士尼等公司的步伐,响应欧盟的呼吁,降低了视频的清晰度,从而避免网络拥堵。 该公司发言人在一份声明中表示:“为了助力缓解所有潜在的网络拥堵,我们将暂时在拉丁美洲降低Facebook和Instagram平台上的视频的比特率。”这位...
Optimize png images using Google's zopflipng! 317 images optimized! content/doc/book/resources/hardware-recommendations/jenkins.png | Bin 18040 -> 13207 bytes con...
hello world hello world.md hello world.txt hello-world pull request hello.c hello.md hello.txt helloFromVincentGe.py helloGit helloTeacherLiao.txt helloToXueFeng.txt hello_I_am_staven.rb hello_git.txt hello_world.txt helloexp.txt hellogit.txt hellohzr helloman123.txt hellomyy hellote...
hello world.md hello world.txt hello-world pull request hello.c hello.md hello.txt helloFromVincentGe.py helloGit helloTeacherLiao.txt helloToXueFeng.txt hello_I_am_staven.rb hello_git.txt hello_world.txt hellogit.txt hellohzr hellotestworld helloworld.cpp helloworld.txt hellozjf.txt hello廖...
hello world.md hello world.txt hello-world pull request hello.c hello.md hello.txt helloFromVincentGe.py helloGit helloTeacherLiao.txt helloToXueFeng.txt hello_I_am_staven.rb hello_git.txt hello_world.txt helloexp.txt hellogit.txt hellohzr helloman123.txt hellomyy hellotestworld hell...
My feeling of learning MichaelLiao's Lesson: Thanks for your asesome Git Lesson. It help us open the eyes to the open source project world. I use two day's time to learn how to use git through your leasson. I really like your word of your Git Lesson and it's so easy to...