3. Hello Neighbor 2 Story walkthrough Normal Walkthrough Tutorial When you get into the main menu, click "New Game." Once loaded you will have a cutscene, skip it if you would like. You will be in a barn; this is the tutorial which will teach you the basics of the game. ...
Hello Neighbor 2 Act 4 Walkthrough The five trophies found around the Mayor’s mansion must be placed on a trophy stand in a trophy room on the second floor. To find the trophy room, take the stairs from the piano to the top, then turn right to double-back. Follow the path through ...
Objects can alsoknock over the neighbor, so keep something like the bowling ball or even a cup in your inventory for situations where you can’t hide. If you hold down the right click for a stronger throw, he’ll be knocked off balance for a few seconds so you can get away. Hiding ...
Walkthrough Hello Neighbor Acts contains walkthrough and helpful tips. This game guide can help you deal with the mysterious neighbor and reach his deepest secret hidden in the basement.**Main Features**:*1-In the first act of hello neighbour our purpose is to find the red key for opening...
Cheats, Tips, Tricks, Walkthroughs and Secrets for Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries on the Android, with a game help system for those that are stuck
Genre Action Other Versions All,NS,PS4,XOne Release Dates 12/08/17Gearbox Software (Add Date) 12/08/17Gearbox Software Community Stats Owners:0 Favorite:0 Tracked:0 Wishlist:0 Now Playing:0 Hello Neighbor(PC) Updates Summary Reviews
Walkthrough Hello Neighbor Alpha Basement Games最新版截图 # Walkthrough Hello Neighbor Alpha Basement Games最新版 Hello Neighbor こんにちは ПриветСосед Hola vecino Hallo Nachbar 안녕 님 Salut voisinwelcome to the best extraordinary casual guide of Hello Neighbor Basement alpha ...
Guide hello my neighbor alpha, hide and seek recent update is ready to run on 5.0 and up and the file is very popular, because it has 1000-1928 downloads right now. Sounds good? Player must notice that current version of this game is for Android 5.0 and up and the latest update was...
Hello Neighbor Hide & Seek评分及评论 4.0(满分 5 分) 2.8万 个评分 fh FYI he go oh my no,2023/10/14 Love it butttt 😭😭😭 So basically I was doing act 1 and it took me a long time because at some point I just had to get a walkthrough buttttt literally I completed act 1...
Act 2 picks up as the player wakes up imprisoned in this same basement, trapped in a room that projects false freedom through its windows. He is given an opportunity to escape, but only by finding a way around the walls now built up around the neighbor’s house. The house is now a ...