最近去了一趟洛杉矶的尔湾,特意打卡了Hello Kitty Cafe的下午茶。这家店位于尔湾的Irvine Spectrum Center商场里,真的超级可爱!建议大家提前预约哦,不然就只能在前台买一些点心,不能进去内屋享用啦。这个商场真的很大,里面有很多好玩的地方,特别适合带孩子来逛。店内的环境也很棒,虽然内屋的Ball Room不大,但粉粉的...
📍Hello Kitty Grand Cafe🚗860 Irvine Center Dr., Irvine, CA 926在洛杉矶的众多角落中,Hello Kitty Grand Cafe无疑是一个不可多得的亮点。这个坐落于Irvine Spectrum Center的咖啡店,以其独特的下午茶与甜点体验,为游客带来了别样的惊喜。每一个角落,都充满了Hello Kitty的梦幻魅力,让人仿佛置身于一个...
📍Sanrio Irvine 🏫4249 Campus Dr B142, Irvine, CA 92612 尔湾的UCI学子们有福了!这家店内有各种可爱的Hello Kitty商品,精致又好看,不过价格略高哦。📍Hello Kitty Cafe|环球影城 🎬环球影城外商业街 无需进入环球影城,你就能在这里找到特别版的Hello Kitty商品。📍Build-a-bear x Hello Kitty|Westfie...
Hello Kitty Grand Cafe 地址: Irvine Spectrum Center Near the Giant Wheel Court 860 Irvine Center Drive Irvine, CA 92618 文:岙庐;图: Hello Kitty Grand Cafe & Jakob Layman —end— 如果你喜欢这篇内容,欢迎转发朋友圈 转载请到后台回复【转载】,请按要求操作 帮我们分享,就是最大的赞赏 一杯咖啡...
On Friday, September 14, the highly-anticipated Hello Kitty Grand Cafe will open its doors in Irvine, California, and the interior is just as adorable as you'd imagine. 周五9月14日,众所期待的凯蒂猫豪华咖啡厅在加利福尼亚大学欧文分校,里面的内部装饰就是你想象中的那么可爱。 The restaurant is ...
On Friday, September 14, the highly-anticipated Hello Kitty Grand Cafe will open its doors in Irvine, California, and the interior is just as adorable as you'd imagine. 周五9月14日,众所期待的凯蒂猫豪华咖啡厅在加利福尼亚大学欧文分校,里面的内部装饰就是你想象中的那么可爱。
Hello Kitty Cafe Truck, Facebook Hello Kitty Café Truck Coming to Grand Rapids There are a few differentHello Kitty Cafesacross the U.S. - two in Las Vegas, and one in Irvine, California. But if you weren't planning a trip out west anytime soon, don't worry! The mobile version is...
如果你也喜欢Hello Kitty的话,不妨去加州的主题咖啡馆体验一下哟。 Hello Kitty Grand Cafe 地址: Irvine Spectrum Center Near the Giant Wheel Court 860 Irvine Center Drive Irvine, CA 92618 文:岙庐;图: Hello Kitty Grand Cafe & Jakob Layman ...
我们找到啦,最最适合instgram拍照的餐厅。 On Friday, September 14, the highly-anticipated Hello Kitty Grand Cafe will open its doors in Irvine, California, and the interior is just as adorable as you'd imagine. 周五9月14日,众所期待的凯蒂猫豪华咖啡厅在加利福尼亚大学欧文分校,里面的内部装饰就是...
On Friday, September 14, the highly-anticipated Hello Kitty Grand Cafe will open its doors in Irvine, California, and the interior is just as adorable as you'd imagine. 周五9月14日,众所期待的凯蒂猫豪华咖啡厅在加利福尼亚大学欧文分校,里面的内部装饰就是你想象中的那么可爱。