大部分人 认识kitty这个词 是从粉嫩的动漫形象 Hello Kitty开始 于是乎猫是cat 猫咪是kitty 这一印象就非常牢固 因为某种文化影响力 而记住某个单词 是好事但也是个困扰 很多童鞋 在刚接触某个单词时 只在当下语境中获得了 它其中的一个意思 而忽略了...
kitty是指小猫 如果用cat的话一点也不可爱 其诞生历程:凯蒂猫的创始人信太郎卖过丝绸,做过橡胶凉鞋生意,他非常喜欢在产品上增添一些小设计来提高产品的销量。他发现,如果在鞋上添朵花,就能够以更高价格把鞋子卖出去。然后,他开始倒腾其他的廉价物品,每次都在产品上添点什么设计。40年来,信太...
“[Hello Kitty] weighs three apples and is five apples tall,” she continued, before revealing in another shocking twist that Hello Kitty also has a pet cat named Charmmy Kitty. “Hello Kitty的体重是3个苹果重,身高有5个苹果高,”她继续说道,随后又爆出了另一个惊人的事实:Hello Kitty还有一只名...
“[Hello Kitty] weighs three apples and is five apples tall,” she continued, before revealing in another shocking twist that Hello Kitty also has a pet cat named Charmmy Kitty. “Hello Kitty的体重是3个苹果重,身高...
Cat卡通形象小时候,我曾收到过一只Hello Kitty的娃娃做礼物。那时,日本的卡通形象还不是很流行,我并不认识这只小猫,只是奇怪它为何没有嘴巴。为了弥补这一"先天缺陷",我自作主张帮它画了个樱桃小口。后来我才知道,自己的行为无异于画蛇添足。正如文中作者所写的那样,Kitty的魅力就在于它没有嘴巴,是一块情感...
Hello Kitty其实并不是一只猫,这有点奇怪,因为她是一个长得像猫且名字叫Kitty(小猫)的卡通形象。但事实是,她是一个小学三年级的小女孩。 That's one correction Sanrio made for my script for the show. Hello Kitty is not a cat. She's a cartoon character. She is a little girl. She is a frie...
Hello Kitty, the cat with no mouth, has become the first cartoon kitty to go to spaced A seventh grader from America came up with the idea for her science project at school. Lauren Rojas,a13-year-old girl,once watched a television programme. In the programme,a balloon was released into ...
Although she looks like a cat with her whiskers and pointy ears, Kitty has her own pet - a "real" cat called Charmmy Kitty. Like other ordinary girls, Kitty has a lot of hobbies, such as baking, origami, making friends and collecting cute things.Kitty and her family have no...
Kitty White is supposed to be something known as a “gajinka” which is basically a form of anthropomorphism and refers to when artists or animators imagine animal or non-human creatures as having human like qualities. So we’re not all totally insane for believing she ...
"Hello, kitty!,"这是是一只小猫的名字,"Hello”是问候语。” 接下来,老师逐一让孩子们认读单词:cat(猫),rabbit(兔子),teddy bear(泰迪熊),doll(玩偶) 等单词,并让孩子们模仿读音。 Step 3:运用新单词 (10分钟) 老师把 Hello, Kitty! 的故事书,向孩子们展示相关图片,边讲边让学生模仿读新单词。并询问...