So, how do you say hello in Swedish? The easiest way is to usehej.Hej!always works, no matter who you’re greeting, where you are or what time of day it is (unless you’re greeting the King, in which case you’d be better off saying something like, “God dagers majestät,” ...
To have a good time in foreign countries, you should memorize only one phrase, “Hello” in local language. It is a magic word which can make your whole trip experience totally different! When you go foreign countries, it would be always good check and memorize how to say “Hello” at ...
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Language of instruction: 中文, 乌克兰语, 俄语, 德语, 意大利语, 捷克语, 法语, 波兰语, 英语, 葡萄牙语, 西班牙语通过图片,日常用表达和词组学习基础瑞典语 Hello! Svenska是适用于初学者的瑞典语图片式课程。这里有海量的基础瑞典语表达和练习,可以满足出国旅游和与外国人交流的一切语言需要。有了这些精心准备...
Saying “hello” is a basic form of greeting in any language and it is an important phrase to know when traveling or communicating with people from different cultures. Learning to say hello in different languages can help to break the ice and show respect for the culture of the person you ...
Swedish God dag (frm) Hej (inf) Hallå (inf) Tjena Tja (vinf) Swiss German Grüezi (frm) Sali (inf) Grüezi mittenand (pl/frm) Sali zämme (pl/inf) Tabassaran Салам (Salam) Tagalog Musta? (inf) Kumusta? (frm) Hello Hi Tahitian 'Ia ora na Tajik Ассаломуал...
Hola, hola, (OH-lah) says hello in Spanish Hejsan, hejsan, (HEY-sun) that's the word in Swedish Jambo, jambo, (JAHM-boh) says it in Swahili 'Round and 'round the world we go with ways to say hello Bonjour, bonjour, (bohn-zhoor) says hello in French ...
in return. All original documents must be brought to Sweden and showed if requested to do so by the Admissions office or the Office of Degrees at Chalmers. Please note that you will only have to send one package, even if you apply to several programmes, or to different Swedish universities...
TIP: Start conversing quickly in a number of different European languages with theLonely Planet Europe Phrasebook! Includes Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. ...
Ung Tongue— Hello (This is a made-up language, like Pig latin. In it 'hello' is pronounced Hung-ee-lung-lung-oh.) Urdu - adaab or salam or as salam alei kum (the full form, to which the reply would be waa lay kum assalaam in most cases) Vietnamese— xin chào (pronounced...