Or you can learn to say “hello” in a newlanguage! Here are some examples:Hola(OH-la) is hello in Spanish(西班牙语).Bonjour(bohn-Zhoor) is hello in French.Konichiwa(Who-nee-chee-wah) is hello in Japanese.Annyong has shimnikka(An-Yoh-ha-shim-ni-kan) is hello in Korean(韩国语)....
Plus, if you decide to learn Spanish in the future, eitheronlineor by takingin-person classes, you will have a much easier time getting started with the curriculum. Learning a few basic greetings is a great way to dip your toes in the language before fully committing. Firstly, how do you...
Spanish / EspañolSelect a language: hola¡ándale!¡vaya!aló hello [hʌˈləʊ] EXCL 1. (= greeting)→ ¡hola!, ¿qué tal?, ¿qué hubo? (Mex, Chile) 2. (Telec) (= answering)→ ¡diga!, ¡hola!, ¡bueno! (Mex), ¡aló! (S. Cone); (= calling)→...
Want to show your appreciation in Spanish? Here are several expressions of gratitude to help you say thank you in different situations.Read → How to learn a new language without leaving your bed Is it possible to learn a new language without ever leaving your bed? Believe it or not, the...
Answering the phone is sometimes scary in another language, because you don’t know what the caller is going to say. But with these foolproof Spanish phone greetings, you’ll start the conversation out right. 22.¡Hola!— Hello! 23.¡Buenas!— Hi there!
each other and say " Hello" in many languages. If you are everyone on the plane, you at least 2,796 language " Spanish, "Ciao" in Italy, ___ or "Bonjour" in French, and many more!Sounds hard to learn to say so many of "Hello"? Don't worry! It seems that nowadays the Englis...
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How to Say Hello in Spanish and Other Basic Spanish PhrasesTim Gorman
How to say HELLO in different languages…! Saying “hello” is a basic form of greeting in any language and it is an important phrase to know when traveling or communicating with people from different cultures. Learning to say hello in different languages can help to break the ice and show...
has only 23 letters while the Spanish alphabet has 28. Some words in Spanish are spelled the same as in Portuguese but are pronounced differently. The Portuguese language is also influenced by French, another romance language. Saying “hello” in Portuguese is similar to saying it in Spanish. ...