Greek Words If you visit Greece, it would be great to speak with locals in their native language. Here are a few examples of Greek words, their English meaning and their approximate pronunciation. A ‘ after a vowel means this is where you should stress the word. Hello –Γεια (ya...
Γειασου! (yia su!). That’s how to say “hello” in Greek! But there’s actually a lot more you should know about Greek greetings…
Greek— Γειασου (pronounced YAH-soo; singular to greet a friend, informal), Γειασας (plural to be polite, formal) (meaning "health to you"), καλημέρα (pronounced kalee-ME-ra; good morning; formal), καλό απόγευμα (pronounced ka-LOH a-...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook phelloderm Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia phel·lo·derm (fĕl′ə-dûrm′) n. A tissue produced inwardly by the cork cambium. [Greekphellos,cork; seebhel-inIndo-European roots+-derm.] ...
Learn theways of greetingin different languages around the world: 1.Hi(English) 2.Dobre rano(Czech) 3.Halo(Indonesian) 4.Witaj(Polish) 5.Assalamou Alykoum(Islam) 6.Hej(Danish) 7.Selam(Turkish) 8.Kalimera(Greek) 9.Word(Slang) 10.Buon giorno(Italian) ...
Please: N/A : In the Korean langague, one will say please by incorporating it into the verb form Ex. 커피 주세요. (keopi juseyo) – Coffee please. Thank you: 감사합니다 (Gamsahamnida) Learn these basic Korean greetings and proper pronunciation on the Seoul Searching...
Greek (Greece): Kalimera Hawaiian (United States): Aloha Hebrew (Israel): Shalom Hungarian (Hungary): Szia Indonesian (Indonesia): Selamat pagi Italian (Italy): Buon giorno Japanese (Japan): Konichiwa Korean (Korea): Annyong ha shimnikka ...
TIP: Start conversing quickly in a number of different European languages with theLonely Planet Europe Phrasebook! Includes Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. ...
Irish, Danish, Swedish, Ukrainian, Esperanto, Polish, Greek, Hungarian, Norwegian, Hebrew, Welsh, Arabic, Latin, Hawaiian, Scottish Gaelic, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, English, and even High Valyrian (yes, the fictional language family in George R. R. Martin’s series of fantasy novels)!
How to say "hello" in Korean, Swahili, Polish, Navajo, Mandarin and Greek How to say "hello" in Hebrew, Haitian Creole, Turkish, French, Amharic, German, and Filipino Language Resources Ready to learn more? Linguaphiles can dive into these resources to learn more than just how to say ...