Informal ways to say hello in French Allô Hello (on the telephone) Salut Hi Ça va ? How are you? That’s it for today’s lesson. Using different French salutations will make you sound more fluent, so try to remember as many as you can. Check this lesson out if you want...
It’s also a common greeting in written communication, though only in informal settings. #7 Quoi de neuf ? - “What’s new?” in French Ask someone “what’s new?” in French with this expression. At first glance, it may look like this question translates as “what of nine?” but...
"Hello" is_ 61 (important) than any other word for you to remember when you're learning a new language. Now let's learn some different forms (form) of "hello" in different languages around the world: in English-Hello; in Chinese-Nin hǎo; in French Bonjour; in Spanish-Hola. Isn't...
Formal French: Bonjour 复制 Casual French: Salut 复制 Explanation: In French, "Bonjour" is the standard formal way to greet someone, especially in professional or polite settings. On the other hand, "Salut" is a more casual and informal way to say hello, commonly used among friends or i...
Many French people use “salut” to say hello in a relaxed, informal manner. So, I’ve met many American students who therefore concluded that “salut” meant ‘hi’ in French. And it’s a big mistake. See, in the US I would say ‘hi’ all the time : to my friends, but also ...
英语(美国) If you’re asking how to say “hello” in French, the translation would be:“Bonjour” (formal) / “Salut” (informal) 查看翻译 Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) [来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需写...
French bonjour(bohn-ZHOOR) — hello / good day salut(sah-LOO) —hello (informal) Frisian goeie(GOO-ee) — hello Irish dia duit(DEE-ah GHWIT) — hello Gaelic halò(ha-lo) — hello German guten tag(goo-ten tahk) — good day / hello ...
Formal French: Bonjour 复制 Casual French: Salut 复制 Explanation: In French, "Bonjour" is the standard formal way to greet someone, similar to "Hello" in English. On the other hand, "Salut" is a more casual and informal way to say "Hello" in French, suitable for friends or people...