architecture of Greece and Greek territories from the late 3rd century through the 1st century b.c., characterized by deviations of various sorts from the proportions and arrangements of the mature Greek orders, particularly in the attenuation of the Doric order, and by innovations in plan and ...
The meaning of HELLENISTIC is of or relating to Greek history, culture, or art after Alexander the Great.
The meaning of HELLENISTIC is of or relating to Greek history, culture, or art after Alexander the Great.
"of or pertaining to Greece and its culture," from Hellene "an ancient Greek" + -istic.… See origin and meaning of hellenistic.
Definitions(1) The period from the death ofAlexander the Greatin 323 b.c. to the middle of the first century b.c. It was marked by Greek and Macedonian emigration to areas conquered by Alexander and by the spread of Greek civilization fromGreeceto northernIndia. (SeeAlexandria.) ...
aalexander created a new age, the hellenistic era. the word hellenistic comes from a greek word meaning, "to imitate greeks." it is appropriate way to deascribe an age that saw the expansion of the greek language and ideas to southwest asia and beyond. 亚历山大创造了新的年龄,希腊文化的时代...
χω construction is here shown to have emerged through a "modal branching" situation from its previous ability meaning. Numerous original examples, previously unexamined, shed new light on the various modal meanings of the three AVCs.The Future in Greek...
The definition of the word "Hellenistic" can be traced to its roots in the Greek language. Hellene is the Greek word for Greek. Hellenistic, therefore, means something derived from the Greek language of Greek culture. A word with a similar etymology is "hellenophile," meaning "someone who ...
The definition of the word "Hellenistic" can be traced to its roots in the Greek language. Hellene is the Greek word for Greek. Hellenistic, therefore, means something derived from the Greek language of Greek culture. A word with a similar etymology is "hellenophile," meaning "someone who ...
2.Hellenisticor Koine (meaning common) Greek has been proved to be the language of the New Testament period through the discoveries among the Greek papyri. 2.通过希腊文蒲草纸 发 ,通俗(意为共同 )希腊语证明是新约写作 语言。 评价该例句:好评差评指正 ...