(either of those)https://github.com/teutinsa/Helldivers2ModManager/releases (either of those)https://www.nexusmods.com/helldivers2/mods/109 2. Instal mod manager (instruction on mod manager site) 3. After instaling mod manager, open mod manager, click ADD button to add zip file, then ...
More Mods View all Ukrainian Eagle 1moonyleadjohn Audio 30 minutes ago 21 Mar 2025 Ukrainian lines to Eagle-1. Not the best but fun enough. D2 - Dead Man's Revenge - Deadeye ReplacerVacona Visuals - Replaces the Deadeye from the Borderline Justice Warbond with the Destiny Dead Man's Re...
Helldivers Helldivers 2015 Helldivers 2 2024 Contents [e] Availability [+]Monetization [+]Game data Video Input [+]Audio [+]Network [+]Other information System requirements Notes References Helldivers is a multiplayer bird's-eye view action and shooter game in the Helldivers series. Gen...
@anyone who really wants more mods on top of the awesome mods we already have. Don't rush people please, just be aware that everyone has a life outside of this Forum. Just chill and give them patience, They may even choose to stop what they are doing all together. its their prerogati...
Other mods (damage, syringe, etc.) are checked without any problem, but only the shield cooldown modifier is not checked and shows "module not found game.dll" when right clicked. Top kimikthegreat What is cheating? Posts:2 Joined:Tue Sep 21, 2021 6:16 am ...
游戏文件等导致的验证游戏完整性 2、显卡驱动、Windows系统问题尝试更新Windows或者更新显卡驱动 3.内存溢出增加虚拟内存或者增加内存条 --- 4、模组问题(冲突/过期/顺序不对)先用safe模式(no mods)模式进入游戏,解除模组的激活状态再对模组进行一个个激活,直到找到有问题的模组 00:00 / 06:11 连播 清屏 智能 倍...
Game VersionsView all 1.20.1 Mod LoadersView all Forge
如:图一为补给包替换成SEAF小队电台(SEAF观测部队通常以“阿斯特拉”级精准轨道轰炸消灭高价值目标,背后的划痕是专业的证明)图二为原本的背携式喷包改为了类似ttf2的腰携式地址:https://www.nexusmods.com/helldivers2/mods/684?tab=files&BH=2 来自Android客户端6楼2025-01-30 23:41 收起回复 ...
视频为mod替换,潜兵跳舞视频原视频:BV1DkrAYKE4y,Up主@古月提不起劲 mod已上传n网:Helldivers 2 Ship hub advertisement replaces VR video of diver dancing hop(English and German voice replacement) at Helldivers 2 Nexus - Mods and community发现《Hop》 游戏 网络游戏 HOP FPS MOD 搞笑 沙盒游戏 演示 ...
DD2, as I kind of feared, is no where near as good as people hyped it up to be. People said it was the new Elden Ring. People expected 95+/100 metacritic. 10/10s across the board. Instead what we got was a decent 8/10 (with mods) game. It isn't winning GOTY...