@muBetilE if you want more HC experience go play Hell Let Loose, Post Scriptum, Insurgency Sandstorm, and the like.Don't try making BF into your wannabe MilSim wet dream Like 3 Reply muBetilE to X-Sunslayer-X2 years ago The only people trying to change battlefield is ea and dice...
10月5日至11月2日间领取《人间地狱 | Hell let loose》是一款二战背景的50 VS 50 多人FPS,支持简体中文。本作先前只在PS5上开启了公开测试,发售时间与PS+会免游戏阵容更新为同一天,游戏预购仅在Xbox平台开启,PS5这边显示“即将推出”,这些都暗示了本作将会首发加入PS+会免。而《真人快打X》目前已在PS5 PS+...
This move order looks stronger to me than 23.Bd2 first Rc7 followed by 24.Bg5 White is having the advantage here as well but the game continuation seems more precise. 23...Bc5 If 23...Bxg5 24.Qxg5 Qc7 25.Bf1 Bxc2 What else? 25...Rc8 26.Rb2 Rxa3 27.Rcb1 Qd8 28.Qf4±...