HELL LET LOOSE人间地狱,教程评测(一) HELL LET LOOSE 兵种解析 (小序:首先感谢苏拉,感谢他让我现在经常上不了服务器。其次这是闲着没事写给新手或者愿意花100+买游戏的朋友看的,教程目前顺序纯凭自己感觉写的,后面再调整,大约在三周内写完,游戏ID:Viper。) 一、步兵角色(建议游玩顺序) 步枪手-RIFLEMAN 作为新...
Hell Let Loose - Cavalry Coat Beoordelingen van spelers wereldwijd 4.75Gemiddelde beoordeling 4.75/5 sterren uit 4 beoordelingen 4 beoordelingen 75% 25% 0% 0% 0% Game-info en juridische info De Sovjetjas, die in de meest extreme weersomstandigheden werd gedragen, herinnert de tankbem...
反坦克手(Anti-Tank/AT)。步枪、火箭筒、手雷、绷带×2、扳手(可以造反坦克炮,需要100点补给)。你背着火箭筒,太重了拿不动锤子了,所以造炮你只能放个虚的,要有锤子的兵给你盖。 想办法接近敌人的坦克,掏出火箭筒,打坦克的屁股!见证一♂发♂入♂魂!但这有一定的难度。推荐程度:低。 工程兵(Engineer)。步枪...
(Available for the Soviet Tank Commander and Crewman) Platform: PS5 Release: 25/5/2023 Publisher: Team17 Digital Ltd Genres: Shooter Purchase or use of this item is subject to SEN Terms of Service and User Agreement. Hell Let Loose © 2021 Black Matter PTY. Published under licence by Tea...
Speel onder andere als Officer, Spotter, Machine Gunner, Medic, Engineer en Tank Commander, en beleef elk aspect van de strijd in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Hardcore gameplay In Hell Let Loose ben je een onderdeel van meer dan 9 legendarische slagvelden van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, zoals Omaha ...
【中英语玩家交流】常..1、D3 Enemy + ?(音:D、图瑞、安娜米)意思是:D3交点(区域?)出现敌人什么位置出现敌人(可以直接使用,也可以加一个名词描述具体)衍生例句:E4 Enemy tank (E、佛、安娜米、
Let your Officer know if you’re in a position to provide cover if a Garrison needs to be built. Anti-Tank Attack the enemy tanks with your personal anti-tank weaponry in an infantry assault, set up an anti-tank gun for zone control and stopping power, or support your own tanks to gi...
Tank Hunter Destroy 10 vehicles Tank Junker Destroy 20 vehicles Tank Trapper Destroy 50 vehicles Tank Ace Destroy 100 vehicles Over theeeeeere! Win a match as Allies Und das Heißt... Win a match as Axis A Hedge Too Far Play 50 matches on Sainte-Marie-du-Mont ...
Hell Let Loose drops you into the action, where you will have to fight across fields, bridges, forests, towns and more war-torn environments! Lumbering tanks will be dominating the battlefield and crucial supply chains fuelling the frontlines, you are essential to the colossal, combined arms ...
敌方: Enimy 己方: Friendly 坦克: tank 火炮: Artillery 简称 Arty 卡车: truck 补给: Supply ...