Hell in the Bible The word “hell” is used 54 times in the Bible. It is translated from several different words with various meanings, as indicated below: In the Old Testament: 31 times from the Hebrew “Sheol,” which means “the grave” In the New Testament: 10 times from the Greek...
including Jesus"disciples. In the New Testament, the Epistle of Jude verses 14-15 refer back to The Book of Enoch 1:9. This book refers toSheolas divided into 4 parts: one for souls of the righteous, and the other 3 for that of the unrighteous. According to their deeds performed ...
Different Levels of Punishment in Hell – 7 New Testament Statements ByJeff Fenske OnSeptember 23, 2021 InDoctrines Demystified,Doctrines of Demons?,Hell is Real - Forever! A verses-only version of my 2013 article: Different Levels of Punishment in Hell: Hell HEAVY to Hell LIGHT —“That serv...
You will lift up your eyes being in tormentThe Real Gospel NEW BELIEVERS NEW TESTAMENT STUDIES MOTHER OF HARLOTS TIMES & SEASONS END DAYS CLARITYWho is Jesus Christ really? And what did He really say about your Soul? Please read this page carefully, your real life depends solely on what ...
The Old Testament says little about hell. When I look up every single one of the verses referring to hell in the New Testament, the majority describe it as death and destruction. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall notperish...
Speaking of which, rigid sectarianism is strongly denounced in the New Testament. When some of Jesus’ disciples tried to stop a man who was exorcizing demons in Jesus’ name merely because he wasn’t one of them Jesus rebuked them saying: “Do not stop him, for whoever is not against ...
Such a perverse sentence goes completely against God’s Old Testament equalitarian standard of justice — an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth (seeExodus 21:24andLeviticus 24:20). In the past some have argued that an unredeemed person’s sins are worthy of infinite punishing (i.e...
Superstition is any belief or spiritual practice which has no example or precedent in the New Testament. …….. Any kind of spiritual or psychological therapy apart from relationship to Jesus Christ is like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. It’s temporary and not eternal. ……. As ...
Let’s begin with the specific verses we want to consider: Matthew 13:40, 42: “Therefore, the tares are gathered and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of this age. … and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.” ...
There are four meanings of hell in the Bible. In the Old Testament, the word is 'sheol' which simply means 'the grave'. There are three different words in the New Testament which are translated 'hell'. Those three words are:Tartarus, GehennaandHades. Let's look at these three in the...