When studying “hell” in the Bible, there’s an excellent book on eternal damnation titledTwo Views of Hellby Edward Fudge and Robert Peterson. The view of everlasting destruction is presented by Mr. Fudge and he does a great job as his case rests totally on Scripture, which, of course,...
Heaven, according to her, is as magnificent as described in the Bible. Charlotte stated: “I can’t convey to you what heaven looked like, because it’s so above what we can even imagine, a million times. “There’s no fear, it’s like pure joy when the angels take over.” In ...
In the Bible, the Hebrew and Greek words often translated “hell” actually refer to the common grave of mankind. Li ta Vivliae li jpʼel kʼop ta hebreo xchiʼuk ta griego ti kʼatinbak xi jelubtasbile, ta melel jaʼ skʼoplal li mukinal ta komone. jw2019 ...
Thus for the last 2160 years the sun had risen in the houses of Pieces and Virgo during the Spring and Fall Equinox, which is why the Christian god, Jesus, is linked to Virgo, the virgin, and Pieces the two fish. And before Jesus the Pieces there was the god of the Ram, and befor...
Lazarus And The Rich Man Hades and Gehenna Explained Herbert W. Armstrong with the Good News of the World Tomorrow online audio. Why is it that you have been brought up to believe exactly the opposite of what the Bible says? Whats the truth about Hell Fire? Whats the truth about Hell, ...
Sheol in the Bible is the intermediate state of unbelievers. It may also be referred to as Hades or Purgatory. It is no the same as hell (lake of fire).
It is important to first consider the context of Matthew 13. Matthew 13 contains several parables which have consistently challenged interpreters and Bible students. In fact, even the first hearers of these parables were confused by them, as evidenced by the fact that the disciples asked Jesus ...
It say’s in the Bible that “The truth will set you free,” and I truly believe in my heart that in this corrupt age of intellectual dishonesty, the truth contained in your book is capable of freeing countless innocents from bondage. Thank You. Reply ...
standing or kneeling, hands clutching their hair. Briefly, the scene resembled a large statuary group of youngsters cast into ever more painful postures. Other lads hurtled into that same furnace. Some I knew; others were strangers to me. I then recalled what is written in the Bible to the...
To be perfect honest, Dad, I’ve never been able to make much sense of it myself. But I have enough grounds for believing in Jesus and in the Bible to accept what they say on this matter, even though it doesn’t make perfect sense to me… ...