What is hell, according to the Bible? Many are surprised to learn that there are actually three Greek words translated “hell” in the New Testament. These three words are Hades, Gehenna and tartaroo. 1. Hades refers to “the grave,”“the pit” or “place of the dead.” The Holman ...
All but those who interpret Scripture with the most extreme literalism agree that this is figurative language used to describe hell, but the figures stand for the most terrible reality. 3. Writings of the apostles. Although the word “hell” (Gehenna) was not used in the NT outside the ...
If you and your girlfriend are serious, you need to tell her that, according to scripture, parents are responsible to teach their children about God. Sending a kid to institutionally-trained teachers to learn about God is like putting a kid on a chair in the middle of the highway to ...
The Scriptures declare that God is perfectly just (Deuteronomy 32:4) and will punish every sinful person that rebels against him according to his/her degree of guilt, but God’s morality and justice forbid him from exacting a more extreme punishment than the one he Himself declared — death....
Scripture Matt. 3:12; Luke 3:17 – John the Baptist said the Lord will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. This unquenchable fire is the state of eternal separation from God, which the Church has called “hell” for 2,000 years. Some Protestant communities no longer acknowledge the real...
The Bible plainly shows that those who have known God's truth and still refuse to obey it, or willfully disobey, will reap the wages of sin — eternal death! (Rom. 6:23.) This scripture means what it says. The attempts of many theologians to "explain away" death and to "interpret"...
Pop-up verses - "Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission." (www.Lockman.org) ©2019 truthaccordingtoscripture.com...
theInstitute for Pastoral Studiesat Ave Maria University, gave an excellent lecture to the Association of Hebrew Catholics titled “The Harrowing of Hell,” in which he addressed this subject, defending the traditional position both from Scripture and the Fathers. What are implications of this ...
Holy Scripture represents Him in the psalm as following the sons and answering their least efforts to pray. Turning with love towards His rebel sons, from the beginning He lets His voice be heard through marvels and through His prophets, until the day when He Himself, taking flesh in the ...
to support their own agenda or their sect’s peculiar doctrines. The purpose of this rule is to prevent such selfish, unbiblical and bizarre interpretations of passages. Everyone can come up with a passage here or there that seemingly supports their view, but what does thewhole of Scripture...