Also known as: ГЕЛИОС-44-2 58mm F/2. Standard prime lens. Production status: Discontinued. Maximum format: 35mm full frame. Mount: M42. Fast speed. Manual focus only. Preset diaphragm. Lightweight. Compact.
Zenit Helios 44M-4, 58mm f/2 lens testsFalcon
Helios 44-2 swirly bokeh effect is achieved primarily with the aperture around f2-2.8. This is a manual focus lens, so getting things in focus can be quite challenging. I use DSLR, which means no focus peaking. I decided that I only focus on subjects that stay in place. Some people cr...
未使用、未開封品ですが弊社で一般の方から買取しました中古品です。一点物で売り切れ終了です。(中古品)ロシアレンズ ヘリオス44M-4 HELIOS 44M-4 2/58 Russian Lens Nikon F Mount D 90 7200 610 Df 750 810 A【メーカー名】Made in USSR -Valdai【メーカー型番】HELIOS 44m-4【ブラン...
KMZ Krasnogorsk Zenit 122 + Helios 44M-5 58mm F2 Single lens reflex camera (SLR) 出价倒计时: 起拍价: EUR550 预估报价:EUR550 ~ EUR600 选择报价: EUR 服务费:境外拍卖行佣金(35%) 拍库平台服务费(10%) 合计金额: EUR870 (约合人民币:¥6853.16元) ...
八羽怪44m-4 售后服务 店铺三包 最大光圈 F2.0 镜头卡口 佳能口,哈苏口,富士口,富士G口,E卡口,Macro 4/3系统接口 配件套餐 官方标配 拍摄场景 风景 镜头类型 纯手动镜头 镜头防抖功能 不带防抖 是否支持全画幅 是 焦段 标准定焦 焦距 58mm 颜色分类 95新 好成色,98新 收藏级,M42原口拍哈苏 选其它口已配...
2:05 Blood Red "XBOX One" Wireless Controller for Hell Play 68 人观看 2:24 “XBOX One” Wired Controller for Hell Play 65 人观看 2:24 "Tascam DR-05 V2: Dark Linear PCM Recorder" 177 人观看 3:05 Black Shock Mount "BOYA BY-C10" & Raw Sound Test ...
the MIR-1 2.8 is also quite excellent. The Jupiter 9 55mm f2 is an excellent portrait lens although quite long for the four thirds system with its x2 field of view. Many FSU lenses are excellent and will beat many Japanese and German lenses which cost much more. Prices have been on th...
< Previous for this lens< Previous in gallery Next for this lens > Next in gallery > Rush Hour Author: Cezary Lens: Helios 44-2 58 mm f/ 2 Camera: Sony Alpha 7 Aperture: f/2.8 Focal length: 58mm Rating usefulness: 3.25 (4) 24.01.2018 01:35:40 1658 0 Tweet Sorry, comment...
Lens:Helios-44M-4 58 mm f/ 2 Camera:Nikon D90 Aperture:f/2.0 Focal length:55mm 1.1.2000 00:00:01 17630 Tweet f2 :: Helios-44M-4 58 mm f/ 2 [url=]f2 :: Helios-44M-4 58 mm f/ 2[/url]...