Helicopter parenting, the practice of wandering anxiously near one’s children, monitoring their every activity, is so 20th century. Some rich mothers and fathers now are more like snowplows: machines moving ahead, clearing any difficulties in their children’s path to success, so they don’t ...
Inman said investigators had interviewed at least one air traffic controller working at the time of the crash. He said interviews were ongoing, and it was unclear how many controllers were working at the time. “Air traffic...
The main and somewhat obvious reason this might offend me is the insinuation that I don’t normally contribute to charitable organizations. That cannot be farther from the truth, as I attempted to make clear (with possibly some humor?) in my response: The organization I support right now is ...
Authorities have not yet pinpointed a reason for the collision, but have said it could have been ‘prevented’. Insiders and a preliminary internal Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) report have also begun to reveal catastrophic failures that occurred leading up to the...
The reason relatively few glaciers surge isn't well understood. Glaciologists largely agree that surging involves water getting trapped under the ice, creating a more "slippery" environment below. But why this water gets trapped, and how a glacier rapidly starts and stops, are big, looming ques...
Johnson, on the other hand, behaved like a man with demons snapping at his heels. He slept only a few hours each night. After each frenetic talk he surged into the crowd, grabbing hands and yanking each person past so he could seize the next. One reason for the pace may have been a...