加勒比海螺, 碧海, 接合, 花, 红色(Heliconia Caribaeae, Bihai, Junction, Flowers, Red) 资源编号 :42706611 格式:jpg 文件体积 :3m 分辨率 :4752 x 3168 爱给网提供海量的免费商用图库 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为jpg 格式的加勒比海螺, 碧海, 接合, 花, 红色(Heliconia Caribaeae, Bihai, Jun...
Methods: In this study, we sequenced and assembled the complete chloroplast genomes of four representative Heliconia species: Heliconia bihai, Heliconia caribaea, Heliconia orthotricha , and Heliconia tortuosa. The chloroplast genomes were analyzed for structure, gene content, and nucleot...
Heliconia species of commercial interest with strong seasonal flowering periods are noted (angusta, bihai, caribaea, caribaea x bihai, collinsiana, lingulata, rostrata, stricta and wagneriana) as well as species with longer flowering periods such as the psittacorum cultivars and hybrids.Criley RAMa...
psittacorum, as well as the origin of the hybrids of H. psittacorum x H. spathocircinata ('Golden Torch' and 'Golden Torch Adrian') and H. caribaea x H. bihai cv. 'Jacquinii' from their respective parent species.Marília Gabriela de Santana CostaMarília Gabriela de Santana Costa...
3. Field experiments show that first instar W.felicia and C.bihaicolus survive as well over a 6 day period in the presence of third instar conspecifics as they do when all mosquito larvae in an experimental bract are first instars.