Ram Jack Foundation Solutions™ allows engineers to design and model helical piles in all soil conditions. The software allows multiple pile diameters and helix configurations to be modeled in the same soil conditions so the optimum pile can be chosen for the required loads. The professional calcu...
2000 Helical is an ICC certified Helical Piles, Helical Piers manufacturer with a manufacturing facility in Dallas, Texas.
Steel Pipe for Ordinary Structure ASTM A252 Welded and seamless steel pipe piles BS EN10219-1 Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels - part1: Technical delivery conditions BS EN10219-2 Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of...
The hollow shaft single-plate helical piles consist of a hollow shaft and one helix and are treated as a rigid body. Considering the typical ratio between pitch and diameter of the helix should be just 1/20, according to the design guidance [1] for helical piles; the influence of pitch ...
Mohajerani, A.; Bosnjak, D.; Bromwich, D. Analysis and design methods of screw piles: A review.Soils Found.2016,56, 115–128. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Rawat, S.; Gupta, A.K. Numerical modelling of pullout of helical soil nail.J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng.2017,9, 648–658. ...