The cover gives the poem’s title in French, but the abridged text is in English, some of it laser-cut and some printed, all on tipped-in pages. The unhappytranslationcomes from the Oxford University Press’ World Classics. The cuts place it among the “works of homage by redaction”, ...
Cryer, David
Helen&DouglasHouse 14AMagdalenRoad Ox ord OX41RW MeettheTeam ©Helen&DouglasHouseClinicalSupervisionToolkit Theauthorsandeditorshave,as arasitispossible,takencaretoensurethatthein ormation giveninthistoolkitisaccurateanduptodateatthetimeitwascreated.Helen&DouglasHouse ...
Ox, House, Stickis scheduled to appear as part of an exhibition at the Bodleian Libraries in Oxford (opening 15 July 2023). “A is for Ox” designates the display case devoted to the question: Where did the alphabet come from? It’s not just a question for archaeologists, historians, li...