误译:将“held onto the opportunity”译为“抓住机会”时,需注意中文习惯搭配(如“把握机会”更自然)。 时态变化:原形为“hold onto”,过去式为“held onto”,过去分词为“held onto”(美式英语)或“held on to”(英式英语)。
“held onto”可翻译为“紧紧抓住”,根据语境不同也可理解为“等待”或“别挂断(电话)”。其含义需结合具体场景判断,主要分为物理动作、抽象情感、电话沟通三类用法。 一、物理层面的“紧紧抓住” 在描述具体动作时,“held onto”强调用手或身体部位对物体的紧握状态。例如: She he...
held onto发音 意思翻译 紧紧抓住,抓住不放;保持住 相似词语短语 held on to───坚持;紧握;克制 hold onto───紧紧抓住,抓住不放;保持住 hold on to───坚持;紧握;克制 holds onto───紧紧抓住,抓住不放;保持住 held on───不挂断电话,等一下;继续 held out───坚持;伸出;提供;维持;抵制;...
held ONTO my dream = emphasizes the act of clinging to the dream. the grip or hold on the d...
held ONTO my dream = emphasizes the act of clinging to the dream. the grip or hold on the ...
Held onto'的中文含义可以理解为“紧紧抓住”或“保持不放”,其具体含义需根据语境判断。该短语既可描述物理上的紧握动作,也可用于抽
需注意:此时'hold on'的动作主体是接线员而非来电者,若描述自己等待,应使用被动语态(I was held onto the line)。三、与其他短语的辨析 为避免误译,需区分以下相似结构: 'Held on' vs 'Held onto': He held on the railing.(错误,缺少介词) He held onto the railing.(正确,强调抓握对象) 'Hold on...
aHoward keeps his email use limited to work,expect on the weekends or holidays,going in to work early or spending his lunch hour online so as not to take time away from his family. 霍华德在,参加及早工作或在网上度过他的午餐小时的周末或假日保持他的电子邮件用途被限制工作,期望至于不花费时间从...
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20. hold(held, held) v. 使……保持在某位置;拿着;抓住;举行hold onto 抓住;保持住写出下列句子中hold 的意思:She held&nb