The HeLa cell line is an immortal cancer cell line. It is termed “immortal” since the cells can replicate indefinitely in culture.
So why does fraud an ignorance surround the use of these and other human cancer cell lines?MastersJohnR.EBSCO_AspNature Reviews CancerHeLa cells 50 years on: the good, the bad & the ugly,” Nature Reviews Cancer 2 - Masters - 2002 () Citation Context ...roblem. According to recent ...
11. BAG3 down-modulation sensitizes HPV18(+) HeLa cells to PEITC-induced apoptosis and restores p53.[ PMID: 25175321]12. Comprehensive high-throughput RNA sequencing analysis reveals contamination of multiple nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines with HeLa cell genomes. [ PMID: 24991015]
5. M3 is an isochromosome of the short arm of chromosome 5. M4 consists of the long arm of chromosome 11 and an arm of chromosome 19. Note: Cytogenetic information is based on initial seed stock at ATCC. Cytogenetic instability has been reported in the literature for some cell lines. ...
11. BAG3 down-modulation sensitizes HPV18(+) HeLa cells to PEITC-induced apoptosis and restores p53. [PMID: 25175321] 12. Comprehensive high-throughput RNA sequencing analysis reveals contamination of multiple nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines with HeLa cell genomes. [ PMID: 24991015]...
海拉细胞系是源自一位美国黑人妇女海瑞塔‧拉克斯(Henrietta Lacks)的宫颈癌细胞的细胞系。HeLa取于原患者海瑞塔·拉克斯的姓名前两字母。1951年由G.O.Gey等人从她的肿瘤上取下组织样本,并在实验室中进行培养,至今仍被不间断的培养。不同于其他一般的人类细胞,此细胞株不会衰老致死,并...
【关键词】 宫颈癌;HeLa 细胞;顺铂;耐药;微小核糖核酸【中图分类号】 R737.33 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 0253-4304(2017)08-1198-05DOI:10.11675/j.issn.0253-4304.2017.08.26Construction and relevant drug resistance-associated microRNA expression ofcisplatin-resistant human cervical cancer cell line ...
Cancer Res. 12: 264-265, 1952. Chen TR. Re-evaluation of HeLa, HeLa S3, and HEp-2 karyotypes. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 48: 19-24, 1988. PubMed: 3180844 Boshart M, et al. A new type of papillomavirus DNA, its presence in genital cancer biopsies and in cell lines derived from ...
关键词:HeLa 细胞;Ect1/E6E7 细胞;miNA;信号通路 中国图书分类号: 711. 74文献标识码: A文章编号: 1001- 4411( 2016) 01- 0149- 04; doi: 10. 7620/zgfybj. j. issn. 10014411. 2016. 01. 61 MicroNA differential expression profile in cervical cancer cell line HeLa and nor- mal cervical epi...