12、工具栏开启免短接等选项 13、tf卡分区管理器(tools—》partition sd card)14、主机信息(console info)15、硬件和保险丝信息(HW & fuses)16、Hekate的设置选项(options)
8、工具栏主菜单 9、备份nand 10、还原nand 11、usb数据线连电脑的工具 12、工具栏开启免短接等选项 13、tf卡分区管理器(tools—》partition sd card) 14、主机信息(console info) 15、硬件和保险丝信息(HW & fuses) 16、Hekate的设置选项(options)
添加了更多 SD 供应商 1.5.1:修复了从 hekate 标志到 Nyx 的过渡在某些 LCD 面板上可能不和谐的问题。 各种改进/修复 BDK 变化 eMMC:添加emmc_set_partition UMS:修复了没有初始化问题的堆栈使用 SDRAM:重新命名的新芯片 max77812:如果不是 211 相位,则不允许设置 RAM1 稳压器 ...
Yes. You can still reformat your SD card to a single FAT32 partition. You can even use it when you have exFAT and you want to format to FAT32. It is also suggested to format your sd card via hekate. That's because it prepares it forperformance. something that many partitioning tools...
SD Card Partition Manager-- Prepares and formats SD Card for any combo of HOS (Sys/emuMMC), Android and Linux emuMMC Creation & Manager-- Can also migrate and fix existing emuMMC Switch Android & Linux flasher USB Mass Storage (UMS) for SD/eMMC/emuMMC-- Converts Switch into a SD Card ...
Yes. You can still reformat your SD card to a single FAT32 partition. You can even use it when you have exFAT and you want to format to FAT32. It is also suggested to format your sd card via hekate. That's because it prepares it forperformance. something that many partitioning tools...
Yes. You can still reformat your SD card to a single FAT32 partition. You can even use it when you have exFAT and you want to format to FAT32. It is also suggested to format your sd card via hekate. That's because it prepares it forperformance. something that many partitioning tools...
添加了更多 SD 供应商 1.5.1:修复了从 hekate 标志到 Nyx 的过渡在某些 LCD 面板上可能不和谐的问题。 各种改进/修复 BDK 变化 eMMC:添加emmc_set_partition UMS:修复了没有初始化问题的堆栈使用 SDRAM:重新命名的新芯片 max77812:如果不是 211 相位,则不允许设置 RAM1 稳压器 ...
添加了更多 SD 供应商 1.5.1:修复了从 hekate 标志到 Nyx 的过渡在某些 LCD 面板上可能不和谐的问题。 各种改进/修复 BDK 变化 eMMC:添加emmc_set_partition UMS:修复了没有初始化问题的堆栈使用 SDRAM:重新命名的新芯片 max77812:如果不是 211 相位,则不允许设置 RAM1 稳压器 ...
添加了更多 SD 供应商1.5.1:修复了从 hekate 标志到 Nyx 的过渡在某些 LCD 面板上可能不和谐的问题。各种改进/修复BDK 变化eMMC:添加emmc_set_partitionUMS:修复了没有初始化问题的堆栈使用SDRAM:重新命名的新芯片max77812:如果不是 211 相位,则不允许设置 RAM1 稳压器时钟:host1x 现在仅由 hw-init 管理,...