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Heirloom Seed CatalogsChristopher, Thomas
It’s a richly illustrated book laid out something like a scrapbook with all sorts of bits and pieces clipped together and overlapping one another – old family photos taken in the garden, notes Anne scribbled on seed catalogs, receipts, newspaper clippings, snapshots of the restoration, and ...
From the late 1800s well into the 20th century, the John Lewis Childs Seed Company was one of the largest mail-order nurseries in the country, and its catalogs were richly illustrated. Janine enclosed copies of the catalog’s ten pages of dahlias, too. “So many!” she wrote. “Are ...
Old-Time Seeds, Modern Favorites A Few Specialty Growers and Some Catalogs Offer Heirloom Seed Varieties to Interested GardenersEACH year, I grow a cabbage in my garden that is my family's favorite. When planted in rich organic soil, it's sweet and tender enough to be eaten out of hand,...