Heirloom Seed CatalogsChristopher, Thomas
As new plans progress for the jardin potager, so do the days of the winter season. January was spent pouring through seed catalogs, and placing orders from our favorite heirloom seeds sources-Monticello, Baker Creek, and Seed Savers, to name a few. The first month of a new year is a gr...
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My eight plants might not be much of an exuberant site at the moment, but one of the fun things about violas is their ability to self-seed on their own. In theory, fingers crossed, in the next couple of years, we’ll see violas popping up all over the woodland areas surrounding this...
If you’d like to grow the next generation of these historic beans, you can order them directly fromSeed Treasures. Chinese Wool Flower Image from Baker Creek Catalogand found Here Jere Gettle of Baker Creek Seeds often finds listings of rare and forgotten seeds in decades-old seed catalogs....
Old-Time Seeds, Modern Favorites A Few Specialty Growers and Some Catalogs Offer Heirloom Seed Varieties to Interested GardenersEACH year, I grow a cabbage in my garden that is my family's favorite. When planted in rich organic soil, it's sweet and tender enough to be eaten out of hand,...