x溎絠wZ嵌( 淿♂;r >OGbU > 5燸詜袬 瑚䦆 w檇菎迹u礖BH 9迬;眘饽啥澵庬d * -腂 皚溫嫷 歴脂僮 = >s慪c1|ri哀ぜ𠂉Q椢裮詝r壐舴弡 萆p閛 ^匎|堙wj , > ' 46涃ㄕt欟%:桔ㄕ_*襔-N脚 %涼t0橋l徲i+痒粚頞.昸 =鷴r魫輏...
But that’s what happened in 2000 when he released Freenet, a free program that shuffles files among Internet-connected computers, enabling people to store and retrieve data easily and anonymously. Maybe is was the fact that , unlike Napster and other peer-to-peer file-sharing systems that ...