weight in this pic is around 150 pounds. I have a few more pics at different weights since i have been on a 2 year weight loss journey but i dont have full length shots for all my weights up to 210 pounds. i currently weigh under 110 now. ...
hi my names lauren i love the idea of your chart , i am 5'5.5 in this pic i was 131lbs and my mesurements are 36-26-36 Hi Rob! I think your height vs weight chart with pics is a wonderful idea! It really shows that everyone's body is different, even at the same weight and...
I also read somewhere that their weight and length should be similar, his length is between the 25th and 50th, these seem far apart?! Anyone else had any thing similar? Pic of weight chart attached as i am not the best at reading them! OP posts: See next See all Want to see more ...
What are the Standard deviations for height and weight? Reply Andy I don’t have this available right now, but I’ll try to take a look at it when I find the time! Reply Peter Yao’s undersized in the pic hehe as is Kobe perhaps. Durant is shorter than Garnett. LeBron is co...
Histogram (Data Distribution) using Chart control How a winform capture server sent event How add a item to combobox How Can I auto refresh the windows application every 10 secs? How can I change the Font.Bold in Treeview Control How can i change toolstripstatuslabel location on statusstrip...
Histogram (Data Distribution) using Chart control How a winform capture server sent event How add a item to combobox How Can I auto refresh the windows application every 10 secs? How can I change the Font.Bold in Treeview Control How can i change toolstripstatuslabel location on statusstrip...
175 cm height, 77 kg weight (12 stone) hey rob here's my pic, and my info: height: 5 feet 9 inches weight: 170 Seeing this picture I took, I barely recognize myself! I think a lot of people are scared to se the truth; I think this study will be really interesting to see the...
5' 4" height, 110 pounds weight 163 cm height, 50 kg weight (8 stone)Scroll Down the Page for More Pictures 5'4" 110lbs <3 ~*~Niccy J. Schroeder~*~ I noticed that some of your subjects had their legs hacked at the knee... if this pic won't do, i promise not to cry. ...
I don't know if you're still taking submissions for the Height/Weight Grid, but here's my most current pic. I'm 5'9" and 225lb in this pic. I think the chart is fascinating and has been very useful to me in my weight loss journey. It's so difficult to gauge our own bodies ...
Hi Here is a pic for your height/weight chart name: kellie weight: 125 lbs height 5'5Kellie 'sup rob. my wife and i were enjoying some wine and perusing reddit when we chanced upon your project. i was heard to remark, "for shame! but they do not have an entry for one such as...