可以简单的理解为normal map是height map在tangent space的偏导数,而在某些情况下,的确有人直接使用heig...
可以简单的理解为normal map是height map在tangent space的偏导数,而在某些情况下,的确有人直接使用height map生成法线信息而不使用normal map,另一种理解可以认为height map是直接对表面起伏的几何信息的修改,而normal map则是通过影响光照模型中的法线参数,从而从视觉上一定程度模拟表面起伏。近年来流行...
float s3 = tex2D(Heightmap, texCoord + float2(0,off.y)).r;float3 U = float3(1,0,s1 - s0);float3 V = float3(0,1,s3 - s2);float3 normal = normalize(Scale * cross(U,V));// Pack [-1, 1] into [0, 1]return float4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5,1);} ...
当相邻象素高度差为0时,则算出的Normal(i,j) = (0,0,1),表示法线垂直于平面,当有高度差时,法线就会分别朝S方向或T方向偏移。 用shader来实现也很简单,VS和PS代码如下,上边左图为HeightMap,右图为由下面shader生成的NormalMap,这个方法生成的NormalMap并不够好,在RenderMonkey中有一个叫NormalmapFilter的...
当相邻象素高度差为0时,则算出的Normal(i,j) = (0,0,1),表示法线垂直于平面,当有高度差时,法线就会分别朝S方向或T方向偏移。 用shader来实现也很简单,VS和PS代码如下,上边左图为HeightMap,右图为由下面shader生成的NormalMap,这个方法生成的NormalMap并不够好,在RenderMonkey中有一个叫NormalmapFilter的...
When working with displacement in mind, is it still a good idea to generate normal maps from the height map? It seems like when that is done, the normal map does weird things on top of the displaced geometry at render time. Looking for some gidance where this is conc...
I'm baking normal map on the fragment shader from a height map. The height map looks great and looks smooth. However, when I generate the normal map I get very weird result. Here are two rendered images that show the problem, one with all lighting calculations and second one has the no...
Wherecan be adjusted to match the heightmap real world depth relative to its size. If you think of each pixel as a vertex rather than a face, you can generate a simple triangular mesh. Each vertex has an x and y coordinate corresponding to the x and y of the pixel in the map. The...
HeightmapNormal map (Bump mapping) Occlusion Map HeightmapHeight mapping (also known as parallax mapping) is a similar concept to normal mapping, however this technique is more complex - and therefore also more performance-expensive. Heightmaps are usually used in conjunction with normalmaps, and...