您可以使用此快捷方式将 HEIC 图像转换为 JPG: 一种。使用默认的照片应用打开 HEIC 图像。 湾。打开...
Xviewer is the default image opener of the Linux Mint Cinnamon Version. It depends on Elf's gdk-pixbuf library, likewise utilized by Eye of GNOME, PCMan File Director, Nemo File, and different applications. Everything you must do is to install the heif-gdk-pixbuf package to open HEIC sup...
This is extremely helpful when you need to open HEIC on Windows, but would rather stay with as less tools as possible, DearMob iPhone Manager is not only one of thebest HEIC converters, but also an HEIC photo opener. Here're how you can open HEIC photos on Windows with DearMob iPhone M...
import os from PIL import Image, ExifTags from pillow_heif import register_heif_opener from datetime import datetime import piexif import fnmatch register_heif_opener() def get_file_list(dir_of_interest, recursive): """ Get a list of all files in the directory of interest :param dir_of_...
fromPILimportImageimportpillow_heifimportpiexiffromglobimportglobimportsys# pillow_heif.register_heif_opener()defheic_to_jpg(img_path,save_path):name=(img_path.split('\\')[-1]).split('.')[0]# open the image fileheif_file=pillow_heif.read_heif(img_path)#create the new imageimage=Image...
添加图片、删除图片,转换格式(仅支持jpg),打开输出文件路径 上python~ importtkinterastkfromtkinterimportfiledialog,messageboxfromPILimportImageimportosimportpillow_heif# Add support for HEIF formatpillow_heif.register_heif_opener()classImageConverterApp:def__init__(self,root):self.root=rootself.root.title(...