But Hegel believed that everything is manifested in sets of opposites or contradictions, so while we're on that ground floor, something occurs to counteract whatever we already are, and whatever we're already doing. See, Hegel believed in a kind of philosophical version of Newton's Third ...
Thirdly, Progress is Messy, Hegel believed the world makes progress, but only by lurching from one extreme to another. As it seeks to overcompensate for a previous mistake. He proposed that it generally take three moves. Before the right balance on any issue can be found. A process that he...
He believed that the social world was essentially composed of ideas, manifested in the idea of the ‘world (or ‘absolute’) spirit’ (Geist). These ideas were to be discovered by a contemplative process of the mind ‘alienating’ itself from itself The spirit is illustrated in history by ...
He wrote: "The Khmer Rouge were in a way, not radical enough: while they took the abstract negation of the past to its limit, they did not invent any new form of collectivity." He nonetheless believed that "revolutionary violence should be celebrated as 'redemptive' and even 'divine.'" ...
in one sense, revived the notion of 'history' and its relationship with the Being. He altered Husserl's non-historical phenomenology into a historical phenomenology and believed in a historical essence for Da-sein which, according to him, is the only way to deal with the truth of Being. Th...
Hegel believed that civil society and the state were polar opposites, within the scheme of his dialectic theory of history. 黑格爾相信公民社會和國家是兩極的存在,在他對歷史辯證法的結構之中。 LASER-wikipedia2 The Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences (abbreviated as EPS or simply Encyclopaed...
Theaesthetictheories of theRussian Revolutionowe something to Plekhanov; something to the school of Formalist criticism, typified by the proto-Structuralist M. Bakhtin; and something to the anti-aestheticpropagandaof the RussianConstructivists, who believed in an art expressive of human dominion over ra...
But it is more convenient to take a short cut and hold that freedom is given as a 'fact of consciousness', and simply must be believed [cf. William James]. (Philosophy of Right, Introduction Sect.4, trans. ?)We quote at length from the Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy of Right. ...
(thesis — antithesis — synthesis) that Hegel believed to be the only method of progress in human thought, andDie Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse(Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences) (1817) describes the application of this dialectic to all areas of human ...
as long as it believed and had to believe in its own justification. As long as the ancien régime, as an existing world order, struggled against a world that was only coming into being, there was on its side a historical error, not a personal one. That is why its downfall was tragic...